The Parquet national financier will he disappear ? In an interview with the Sunday Newspaper, the member of The Republican Éric Ciotti is an attack on the institution, and wants to drop a “bill” to remove it, after the latest revelations in the files of Nicolas Sarkozy or François Fillon, and the statements of the ex-head of the PNF. “This floor is intended to be exceptional has become a jurisdiction of exception “, says in this interview the mp, regretting that justice is ” today affected by the poison of suspicion of politicization “. “What have suffered François Fillon and Nicolas Sarkozy is not consistent with the idea that I have of a fair and equitable justice, totally independent of the pressures and the policy context. This is why I will be tabling tomorrow a legislative proposal to delete the PNF “, he adds.

Heard on 10 June by the parliamentary commission of inquiry on the independence of the judiciary, Éliane Houlette – the ex-head of the PNF retired at the end of June 2019 – was moved by the “control very narrow” that would have exercised the attorney general’s office, his authority of direct supervision, in the conduct of investigations in the folder Fillon. “The choice of the PNF against Nicolas Sarkozy or François Fillon have contributed to the elimination of the race to the presidential election of 2017 “, considers Éric Ciotti.

Read also Jean-Pierre Sueur : “there is an urgency to reform the prosecutor’s office”

A succession of controversies

The PNF has also been accused of indulgence, after an investigation for conflict of interest for the general secretary of the Elysée Alexis Kohler was closed in August 2019, following a letter from the president and Emmanuel Macron, who dédouanait his collaborator. The mail has been recently revealed by the association Anticor.

The third case applies, the former president of the French Republic, Nicolas Sarkozy. In February 2014, the PNF was asked to peel the telephone bills of a dozen different tenors of the bar to find the “mole” that would have been able to inform Nicolas Sarkozy and his lawyer Thierry Herzog that they were on the wiretaps in another case.

also Read Sophie Coignard – To finish with the case Fillon !

writing will advise you

EXCLUSIVE. Case “Paul Bismuth” : the investigation of hidden Eric Ciotti : “We are facing a Watergate French “