Appeared on the end of 2019 in China, the epidemic of Covid-19 continues to rise in many countries on the planet. While some countries are facing a resurgence of the virus, entire sectors of the economy are ravaged, in particular tourism. According to a count conducted by the Agency France-Press from official sources, at least 18 011 763 cases of contamination Covid-19 have been officially registered throughout the world. These cases include 687 941 deaths. The contaminations are the most numerous to be found in the United States (4 665 002, 47 of 508 in the course of the past 24 hours), Brazil (2 733 677) and in India (1 750 723).

In terms of deaths, the United States is by far the country most heavily affected, with 154 834 deaths, including 515 in the last 24 hours. Then come Brazil (94 of 104 deaths), Mexico (47 746), the Uk (46 193) and India (37 364). The United States has entered a “new phase” of the epidemic, has declared, Sunday, Deborah Birx, an expert advisor to the White House. The virus is ” extraordinarily common. It is present in areas rural as well as urban, ” warned Deborah Birx on CNN. It warned ” all those who live in rural areas [they are] not immune or protected from this virus “, noting as well the heart of the electorate of the president Trump.

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Concern in Latin America

Latin America and The Caribbean, with over 201 000 deaths, are now the second-most affected region after Europe, which has more than 210 000 deaths. In Argentina, the ministry of Health announced in the evening that the 200 000 cases of contamination had been exceeded and that the social gatherings would be banned throughout the country from Monday. Bolivia has decided on Sunday that the school year was scheduled to be completed in December, was to end immediately due to the pandemic. This country of 11 million people, has more than 78 700 contaminations and more than 3,000 deaths.

In Venezuela, president Nicolas Maduro has ordered, on Sunday, a quarantine strict in the whole country, at a time when the number of infections recorded recently passed the 20 000. Venezuela was subjected since June to a scheme of alternation : some areas were under quarantine strict for a week, to which succeeded a week of “flexibilisation” is where some of the essential economic activities could resume.

In Africa, the most affected country of the continent, South Africa has surpassed the Saturday 500 000 cases, but the mortality rate is low. In the Gambia, four days after the vice-president, three members of the government were declared positive for the coronavirus.

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In Kosovo, it is the Prime minister Avdullah Hoti, who announced on Sunday that he was positive and was put in quarantine. The pace of the pandemic continues globally to accelerate, with a million additional cases detected in the world in less than four days.

Montreal, Ibiza, tourism in free-fall

The pandemic, which plunges the world economy into an unprecedented recession, weighs heavily on the tourism, whose losses are already valued at 320 billion dollars for the first part of the year, according to the world tourism Organization. As well, Montreal, which usually attract about 11 million tourists a year, looks like a ” ghost town “, laments Nadia Bilodeau, manager of a restaurant, in the middle of the terrace deserted. Private foreign visitors to its Grand Prix of Formula 1 or its festivals, world-renowned, the quebec metropolis is undergoing considerable damage.

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In the Mediterranean, the disaster tourist is also present. A calm unusual reign in Ibiza, island of the Spanish archipelago of the Balearic usually very popular “clubbers” and DJ around the world. The huge nightclubs that make the reputation of Ibiza had to make a cross on their season. The authorities have only allowed the opening of the small nightclubs and only for a drink and without leaving the customers to dance on the track.

Quarantines and restrictions

The quarantine imposed since 27 July by the United Kingdom for the tourists arriving from Spain in the face of the rise of contagious diseases in this country may kill the recovery that began a few weeks earlier. And, even if the archipelago is very little affected by the pandemic. The United Kingdom is not the only european country to impose measures on travellers. Belgium has banned the Saturday travel “non-essential” to many parts of Europe. Include in this list the Spanish regions of Navarre and Aragon, the cities of Barcelona and Lerida, the swiss cantons of Vaud, Valais and Geneva and the French department of Mayenne. The decision of the belgian has been criticised in the swiss cantons referred to. It is ” incomprehensible “, said on Sunday the minister of vaud Economy Philippe Leuba agency ATS, hoping for a quick response from Bern.

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in the Face of a rebound infection, Australia has announced, Sunday, a curfew at Melbourne, the country’s second city, whose inhabitants will no longer have the right to go out to more than five kilometres from their home. In spite of a containment established at the beginning of July, Melbourne continued to record hundreds of new cases on a daily basis. The local authorities have therefore decided to implement a curfew from 20 hours to 5 hours in the morning for the next six weeks. “Now is not the time to lax, the time of warnings is over,” said Daniel Andrews, the Prime minister of the State of Victoria.

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