Why wait for fifteen days ? The announcement Tuesday, July 14, by Emmanuel Macron of the obligation of wearing a mask in ‘public places closed” from the 1st August, welcomes those who advocated this measure, but they demand its implementation without delay, and including on the workplace. “Wait fifteen more days, it is too “, the judge as well in The Parisian psychiatrist Antoine Pelissolo, author of a tribune calling for the wearing of masks compulsory in enclosed areas, published Saturday in the daily. “We really didn’t understand the reason for the delay. Application of this measure is urgent. It is known that, at any time, there may be a resurgence of the epidemic. The lost time is harmful “, he says.

the president of the Republic has suggested that “in the coming weeks to make it mandatory for the mask in all enclosed public places, ( … ), for example, from the 1st of August” on Tuesday when the interview of July 14. “It takes time to learn a new doctrine, and therefore make it mandatory in a certain period of time allows this work of appropriation” by the French, argued on Tuesday evening the minister of Health, Olivier Véran. It has also justified this time by a required ” work of logistics “. “Where are the masks, how to ensure that the French have ? We need to be able to answer these questions, this requires having a few days “, he added, during a press briefing after a visit to the hospital Henri-Mondor de Créteil (AP-HP).

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But the date of the 1st of August seems only an indication for the executive. The government wants to “go as quickly as possible” on the establishment of the port of the mask mandatory in all “public places closed” even if Emmanuel Macron “gave the 1st August as a cap as possible in terms of timing,” said Wednesday, his spokesman, Gabriel Attal. “If it can be before, it will be before,” he added when reporting to the council of ministers, the secretary of State, stating that there is a “legal work, and ongoing technical, “and that” the decree will be published shortly “. “This is not to say that it is necessary to expect that the obligation will be recorded in the marble of the regulation for that the French could adopt the wearing of the mask as quickly, as widely as possible and as regularly as possible “, he insisted.

What are enclosed public places in question ?

Another question : what covers the expression “public places closed” used by the head of the State, which is not a legal term ? This obligation shall apply it only in the “establishments open to the public” or places of work ? “It’s going to be a work fast enough to definition” on the part of the government to know ” what are the public places we’re talking about, how the duty applies “, has assured on Tuesday evening, Gabriel Attal, the spokesman of the government, on BFM TV. According to the law of exit of the State of health emergency on 9 July, ” the Prime minister may, by decree taken on the report of the minister of Health, (…) regulate (…) the access conditions (…) of one or more classes of establishments open to the public as well as places of meeting, with the exception of residential premises “.

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At Saint-Ouen (Seine-Saint-Denis), where this measure is in force since Monday, the measure covers “any establishment closed open to the public, its activity is administrative or commercial” (shops, town hall, public services, common areas of hotels, etc), said the prefecture in a press release. But for doctors that are signatories to a second forum, on-line Sunday Release, it is “essential” that the measure also applies to ” places of work “. “The virus does not recognise the subtlety of definitions administrative action of the enclosed place, it is everywhere the same “, they argue, in a reaction transmitted to the Agence France-Presse, stressing that according to public Health France, ” the local professionals represent 25 % of the clusters under investigation and about 20 % of the clusters recent “.

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