New round of Donald Trump, on Tuesday 30 June, about the responsibility of Beijing in the spread of the new coronavirus across the world. The republican president said he is “increasingly angry” against China in light of the heavy toll of the pandemic Covid-19 in the world and in the United States in particular. “When I look at the pandemic spread his horrible face around the world, including the damage that’s been done in the United States, I become more and more angry China”, has tweeted the american president.

tensions are already high between the United States and China on a background of a trade war were further intensified with the global spread of the novel coronavirus, which Donald Trump has blamed the Beijing. The government of Donald Trump believes that China has concealed the extent and severity of the initial outbreak, which according to them allowed the virus to spread more easily and kill more than 500,000 people around the world.

Read also Gérard Araud – Why we should not break with China

And if Europe seems to have succeeded in controlling the spread of the virus, health officials, americans have acknowledged on Tuesday not to control “completely” the pandemic and fear of an explosion in the number of cases in the coming weeks. 29 of the 55 States and u.s. territories today see the curve of new cases rise, according to the u.s. health authorities. Hospitalizations due to the coronavirus increase in 12 States.

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