What is the care gap?

Many people depend in old age on professional help. The cost of care in the home or are at home but high. By the statutory or private long-term care insurance, the most important measures to be financed. However, the 1995 introduced a duty of police is a part of comprehensive insurance. She only pays part of the cost. For the Rest of the patient’s or their relatives have to pay. This difference is referred to as a care gap.

The self-part is different according to place of residence and form of Care, i.e. inpatient or outpatient care. In the case of a placement in the home of the share in 2019, at an average of 1928 per month. In the previous year, it was 115 euros less. At least people in need of care in Mecklenburg need to pay-Vorpommern, with a total of 1346 euros, closely followed by Saxony with 1350 Euro and Saxony-Anhalt with 1401 euros. In North Rhine-Westphalia, the equity share is 2406 euros, and the state is leading in the co-payments. Thereafter, the Saarland follows with 2301 Euro and Baden-Württemberg with 2250 Euro. The own contribution for the ambulatory care service was 2017 between 125 Euro for Care level 1 and 2200 Euro for Care level 4 and 5.

For the cost of care to the needy first of all, your own pension and your savings to spend. If these are not sufficient, must assets are in the Form of shares and real estate sold. The children of the patient do not lose so often, only her heritage. You have to pay, under certain circumstances, with your own income for the maintenance cost of the parents. However, the exemption amount is relatively high: from € 100,000 gross income per year must pay children for the care of the parents. Only when all means have been exhausted, then the Department of social services and is responsible for the costs. The Person

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What is the cost of a supplementary long-term care insurance covers?

A possibility, against the care gap, the completion of a supplementary long-term care insurance is to be secured. Here you can choose between three different models:

  • nursing days money insurance
  • care cost insurance
  • care plans

The cost is depend on your age, any pre-existing conditions and the desired performance. In addition to the three insurance models, there is still the state-funded care-Bahr, a special form of care daily.

The nursing days money insurance is the most flexible model and is recommended by consumer advocates. Here you will receive in case of need for care a fixed amount per day paid. These you can spend for what they want. This can cost the Home or an outpatient care service, but also a meal delivery service or the remuneration of a care-giver. Invoices do not need to submit. In the case of lower-maintenance, only a part of the agreed daily rate paid is levels however most of the time.

The care cost insurance doubled to either a lump sum the amount you receive from the care insurance. Or, the insurance company assumes the cost, which does not pay long-term care insurance. In contrast to the nursing days money insurance, the care covers the cost of insurance, but only services from the service catalog of the statutory nursing care insurance.

With a care plans you receive in the Care of a monthly pension is paid, which is usually graded according to the nursing degree. In General, you will receive at care level 5 for the full amount, while in the case of care grade 1 or 2 often no money at all. In contrast to the cost of care and nursing days money insurance, the contributions for the care pension scheme will remain all the time equal.

With the care-Bahr promotes the state of the completion of the nursing days money insurance. If you Deposit at least ten euros a month to shoot in the state, five Euro per month. The insurer may reject in this model, no one, therefore, no health examination is performed. In the case of care level 5 the Insured person must receive at least 600 Euro per month. The care gap is not closing. Another negative factor in the care-Bahr, the high contributions, the request of the insurer.

the completion of a supplementary long-term care insurance Worth it?

First of all, you should consider whether you can afford to pay the high amounts for a supplementary long-term care insurance. In General, to pay an Insured more than thirty years, often, if you have already become a case for nursing Care. You get into financial difficulties and can no longer pay the contributions, may not get back your deposited money. Even if you do not take the insurance, because they need no maintenance, you will not receive any payout.

Secondly, you should consider what kind of lifestyle and what kind of care they want in old age. You want to live in a senior residence or home? Do you want to be in the case of the cases in a nursing home or relative care? Learn what costs come to you. It is nothing to be said against the conclusion of a supplementary long-term care insurance, if you are in the position to pay the contributions over a long period of time and other more important insurances, like disability insurance or term life complete insurance already.