A displacement which is not seen a very good eye by the locals. On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the appeal of general de Gaulle during the Second world War, Marine Le Pen will visit, Thursday, June 18, in the company of other parliamentarians, to the island of Sein in the Finistère. A commemoration before the monument erected in tribute to those 128-resistant of the island of brittany, who had joined the call of the general, in 1940. Problem : the patron saint of the RN is not welcome.

“most of the population of the island did not wish to see, is hostile to his coming, and thinking about what might be done to prevent it from coming here,” explained Didier Fouquet, the mayor of the commune, Ouest-France. The regional newspaper states that the local federation of the French communist Party would have encouraged the people to “unite and mobilize against this provocation”. For this, it proposes a morning assembly, on the 18th of June, before the ferry from Audierne. The goal is clear : “to show to the president of the national Gathering that she was not welcome”.

lack of understanding of The RN

“Go lay a wreath, it is his right as a member of the Nation. But other people also have the right to say that they are not okay with it. I do not want a crash of the pier, but a peaceful demonstration of people who are in disagreement with me would shock not”, for its part, estimated in the Telegram Gurvan kerloc’h, the mayor of Sainte-Evette, this little commune where is located the pier that you can reach the island Within. The left breton independence also intends to join the protest. In a press release relayed by the daily breton, she is indignant : “It is a real provocation that want to go on the island that has provided a massive first resistant to fascism and nazism in 1940.”

on the side Of the RN, it grieves and it refers to a situation “incomprehensible”. In a press release issued Saturday, 13 June, the chairman of the group RN the regional council breton even considered “extremely regrettable” that the official ceremonies of June 18, to be possibly cancelled on the island of Sein, because of the coming of the patron saint of the party. According to him, the prefecture could even formalize this decision “on the pretext that Marine Le Pen [would like to] participate”. “It is incomprehensible and extremely regrettable,” growls and Gilles Pennelle, “so much more that Marine Le Pen has never had the intention to participate in such official ceremonies, but wished to make, on his side, a tribute to the marine sénans”.