No offense to the environmentalists of all kinds, the president of the Republic gave in to the majority of the applications of industrialists to revive the automotive market. From the factory Valeo at Étaples (Pas-de-Calais), where 1 500 employees in the manufacture of alternators and alternator-starters mainly exported all over the world, Emmanuel Macron has detailed the plan of support of the government of one billion euros, into force as from the 1st of June in order to support the demand. He announced in particular a symbolic measure in support of the vehicle heat engine : a premium to the conversion of 3 000 euros for the French households who agree to scrap their old car and buy a car with the engine heat most recent. “Three-quarters of the French will be eligible for this bonus, because it will be to have an income tax reference under 18 000 euros net. “promised the president.

The other initiatives consist of a bonus for the environment amounted to 7 000 euros for the purchase of electric vehicles by individuals (€5 000 for corporate fleets) and a premium of 2,000 euros for the purchase of plug-in hybrid vehicles (gasoline-electric). For the Economy minister Bruno Le Maire, who has not ceased to exchange with the patrons, PSA, Renault, Valeo and Michelin, it is to create the conditions for a strong rebound in purchases of new cars. “The challenge of the automobile, it is a challenge to French identity and the employment of our country “, has hammered Emmanuel Macron.

also Read car Plan : the delicate dosage aid

on Monday, several associations such as Greenpeace, Fondation Nicolas Hulot, or Climate Action Network had tried to prevent such a measure in favour of thermal vehicles by taking part in the government. In vain. “The assistance provided by the State should allow them to refocus in-depth industry and market, but this is not what is happening. If public subsidies exist to encourage the individual purchase of large vehicles, type SUV, even electric or hybrid, it is a non-sense climate and social, ” said Agathe Bounfour of the Climate Action Network.

400 000 direct jobs involved

In response, the president of the automobile platform, Luc Chatel, ensures that he is not opposed to a green stimulus. “We need to make the ecological transition a lever of exit from the crisis. It is necessary to encourage the purchase of electric vehicles with a return to the bonus of 6,000 euros for the fleet, which has been divided by two by 2020 – that was a mistake. And finally create a bonus, of 2 000 euros, for example, for plug-in hybrids, vehicles that are manufactured in France. , î he told recently in an interview with the Point. But Luc Chatel, also emphasizes that the power relates only to ‘7 % of the French market, at the most,” and that the ” stimulus passes necessarily by a mechanism of stimulation of a wider market, which may rely on the premium to conversion (CAP) for the purchase of any vehicle, new or recent, that is not the subject of a malus ecological. “Where did this idea of using the engines that has made its way up to integrate the ads of the president Macron on Tuesday.

Read also Luc Chatel : “Our automobile plants need to restart”

The reality has been due to a raise 100 % green. The automotive industry is approximately 400 000 direct jobs in France. Hard not to take that into account. And the economic slump of the sector is real. The market has notably dropped 88 % in April. In addition, during the two months of confinement, thousands of dealers were unable to sell their stocks. However, storage is expensive. It is therefore for the government to help all these workers had spent their unsold and returned a minimum of activity. As it is customary to say that a dealer realizes a very low margin, of 1% to 2%.

Restart the dealers and factories

About 400,000 new cars are still for sale in the French networks. This represents a total value of stock of about 10 billion euros. “At the end of June, there will be about 500 000 vehicles unsold, compared to last year “, said Emmanuel Macron. According to the Centre national des professions automobiles (NFPC), the stocks are made up 52 % of the vehicles diesel, 44 % of vehicles with petrol and 4 % of vehicle batteries, they are 100 % electric or plug-in hybrid. “The situation of the companies of services of the automobile is profoundly degraded in the last two months (…). Between 40 000 and 50 000 jobs are currently in danger of extinction if adequate measures are not put in place very quickly, ” warned Francis Bartholomew, national president of the NFPC.

On the industrial side, France also runs the risk of ending up with factories and production lines are too little used. This is already the case, and one sees, with the savings plan that is set to unveil this week Renault, which many sites are threatened. For example, to avoid close Flins, the constructor in the Diamond should be, according to our information, convert it back to the factory. Finished the assembly of cars, an activity that has dwindled over the years. The site could recover some of the activities of renovation of engines and gearboxes of the site of Choisy-Le-Roi, which is expected to close. In 2019, approximately 160 000 cars, the ZOE electric of Renault and Nissan Micra have been made to the Flin, which employs about 2,600 people.

The measures unveiled on Tuesday will be enough to make it bounce in sales of new cars ? We will all find out at the end of the month of June. This month always gives us the trend for the industry, because the French and the companies have the habit of waiting for this moment to renew their fleet.

writing will advise you

car Plan : the delicate mix of aid Luc Chatel : “Our automobile plants need to restart “