The secretary of State for Transport Jean-Baptiste Djebbari assured, Wednesday, 1 July, on RMC and BFM TV : “It is envisaged that at the global level 15,000 jobs, including 5,000 in France, but it does not take account of the different schemes of State, and the devices business. “In fact, if the company implements the activity partial long-term,” it’s 1,500 jobs that would be saved ” in France, where Airbus employed 49 000 people at the end of 2019. With the investments on the ” airplane of tomorrow, the new generation of aircraft green, low-carbon, that is 500 jobs that will be saved for Airbus. Already 2 000 jobs ! ” he said.

in addition, according to Mr. Djebbari, “the devices of company : volunteering, voluntary departures, holidays, training… “”The State is asking Airbus to ensure that there is the least of departures are forced, the fewer compulsory redundancies as possible,” he insisted. “I want to be a politician realistic “, he added : “Airbus has seen at the same time and everywhere in the world its orders cancelled or halted, and Airbus is considering an activity reduced to 60 % for two years. There’s a context. “

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“A very difficult period”

” When it is said that since the beginning of the Covid, we had 98 % of the air traffic collapsed, that the crisis is potentially sustainable, it speaks of a return to normal in 2023, 2024, 2025… Me, I don’t know to say how the French, the Europeans will revoyager. I don’t know if they are going to revoyager far, I don’t know to say if the business goes back into the aircraft… (…) And not knowing how to say it, I don’t know-predict the order books of the aircraft. “” Airbus, of course, will have to live a very difficult period “, he concluded.

Regarding the effects of the activity long-term partial in France, its executive chairman Guillaume Faury was shown to be more cautious than the secretary of State for Transport, in an interview with the Agence France-Presse on Tuesday. “We do not know the specific details of the device (…) therefore, it is necessary to speak with caution, but we think we can go up to about 1 000 jobs, of people you would like to be able to keep them in the company until the first quarter of 2022,” he said.

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A “catastrophe” feared

Airbus announced on Tuesday the removal of about 15 000 jobs, or 11 percent of its workforce, of which 5 of 100 posts in Germany, 5 000 in France, 1 in 700 in the United Kingdom, 900 in Spain and 1,300 on other sites of the group in the world. If the aircraft manufacturer does not exclude layoffs, it relies on voluntary departures, measures of early retirement and part-time unemployment measures to the limit.

on Wednesday, the powerful German union IG Metall responded to this advert. “We expect that Airbus provides, in dialogue with the staff representatives, the future of the places of production” in Germany, and “this calls for a renunciation of the compulsory redundancies,” said Wednesday the union in a press release. The organization fears “a disaster for the men and the places of production” in Germany, which should encourage policies to find solutions for the sector “. “There are alternatives to job cuts such as the reduction of working time,” says the union. IG Metall also calls for the aeronautical group to ” extend the part-time unemployment measures “.

also Read Why Air France is speeding up the withdrawal of the Airbus A380

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