the government of The ant rather than the grasshopper during the crisis of the Covid-19 ? This is what denounces a parliamentary report presented on 27 may 2020 before the national Assembly. This document, produced by the member of The Republican Marie-Christine Dalloz, goes X-ray expenses performed in the framework of the mission “Management of government action” (DAG), a structure that traces the appropriations of the various entities related to the tenant of Matignon.

The finding of the chosen one the Jura is without call : the communication of the government during the health crisis would have led to expenses ” superfluous “, as explained in our brothers in the Capital, Monday, June 15, 2020. Marie-Christine Dalloz tip particularly mood expensive of the government information service (GIS). This service is responsible to analyze the evolution of the opinion and inform the public at large. Missions which have taken him to play a leading role during the pandemic of novel coronavirus.

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The studies of public opinion, apple of discord

Marie-Christine Dalloz regrets that the exceptional mobilization of the GIS, which logically need of important financial means, has not always been as effective as expected. According to the elected, the extra cost caused by the bulimia of work of the SIG should be of the order of 15 to 20 million euros by the end of the month of June. However, this administrative department has an annual budget of 14.1 million euros, far short of the figures set out above. At the end of may, the GIS had already drawn 11 million from its operating envelope, that is, 80 % of the loot. It is two times more than in 2019 at the same time, reminds us Capital.

“Nine million euros arising from the implementation of the telephony platform designed to inform citizens” on the Covid-19, ” says the mp, who does not see anything wrong on that expenditure. But her nervousness when she talks of the many – and costly – order of opinion study carried out by the service. “In a financial context constrained, where the risk of budget overrun is inevitable, the closing of certain non-core activities, such as surveys, would have been necessary,” blows the parliamentary. According to her, the choice ” demonstrates that at the heart of the crisis, the government’s decisions have been driven more by the evolution of public opinion than by the pursuit of the general interest “. Another missed government : his website anti-fake-news. Marie-Christine Dalloz deplores “an initiative unfortunate” that mobilized “the financial and human resources” before being disconnected because of the sling of the press.

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This mismanagement assumed, however, could have only a limited impact, since the GIS, which draws its appropriations of the programme 129, entitled ” coordination of government work “, weighs very little. The program 129 was, in fact, with 690 million euros in 2019. Marie-Christine Dalloz therefore ends his report on a note of optimism : “ll is thus allowed to believe that the budget impacts will not be major to the scale of the program.”

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