The popular fantasy series ‘Game of Thrones’ was especially in the early seasons is known for, that in almost every section got himself a good deal of nudity of the starring actors.

after the completion of the eight-seasons long series tells one of the show’s main stars, Emilia Clarke, however, that she felt pressured to be naked in the popular tv series.

Emilia who was 23 years old when she began filming for the series, told in an interview with Dax Shepard, she was in tears before she had to record some scenes.

– I have had debates on set before, where I said, ‘no, the sheet must be up’, she says in the interview, included in the Dax A podcast and continues:

– They said to me that I would not disappoint the many fans of ‘Game of Thrones’. I took the job. They sent me the script, I sat and read them and thought: ‘Ah, that was the trap’, she says.

It was scenes like this one, where Emilia felt the pressure to show his body, even though she was unsure whether it was necessary for the script. Photo: Planet Photos

According to Emilia Clarke, she came directly from school, when she got the job in the series.

– And I thought, if it stands in Redwin the manuscript, so is it safe, because there is a need for it. I thought that I would get it to make sense.

But the experience was still unpleasant, although the star went into with the best of intentions.

I had never been on a filmset as it was before, and suddenly I was in a movie completely naked with all the people here, and I know not what it is supposed to do.

She explains that she spent a lot of time to think about what it was that was expected of her on set.

– Regardless of whether there was nudity or not, so I spent the first season of the series to think that I was not worthy enough to set boundaries or ask for something. I was not worthy to have need of nothing.

Emilia Clarke got the backing of his colleague Jason to the Question, who played her husband in the series, Khal Drogo, and it helped her to say, from the face of the scenes, she did not want to.

In recent seasons, it was a far more clothed Emilia Clarke, we saw. Photo credit: HBO