the Police in southern jutland is asking the public for help to find two people, Friday is bolted from Sønderborg Attachment.

The typing of the police on Twitter.

There are two 18-year-old men, which for quite a short time ago got away from the attachment.

Shortly after the escape was one of the escaped persons, however, captured again, police said in an update.

Police describe on Twitter the two men.

They are both 180 cm tall and slender of building.

one of the men described so far:

‘A dark complexion, wearing bordeaux dynejakke, black sweatpants with white stripes and flip flops’, as the police write.

The other man, who was caught again, was described in the following way:

‘The other light in the skin, wearing a light grey hoodie and black pants’.

If you look the last of two persons, or has knowledge of where he is, so will the south and South – Jutland Police would like to hear more. They can be contacted at 114.

B. T. follows the case.