
Former President Donald J. Trump returned to the spotlight with a fiery campaign rally in Asheboro, North Carolina, where he called on his supporters to attack Vice President Kamala Harris. The event, which was meant to focus on national security, quickly turned into a platform for personal attacks and baseless claims of election fraud.

Personal Attacks and Insults

Despite his advisers’ recommendations to focus on policy issues, Mr. Trump couldn’t resist reverting to his signature style of personal insults and attacks. He took aim at Vice President Harris, calling her “stupid” and labeling her as a “Marxist or a communist.” He also targeted former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, referring to her as “crazy,” and criticized former President Barack Obama as “nasty.”

During his speech, Mr. Trump even stooped to mocking President Biden’s physical appearance, showcasing his penchant for derogatory remarks and divisive rhetoric. It was clear that the former president’s primary goal was to rile up his supporters and stoke animosity towards his political opponents.

False Claims of Election Fraud

In addition to the personal attacks, Mr. Trump also resurrected his baseless claims of widespread election fraud in the 2020 election. He insisted that the only way he could be defeated in the upcoming election was if the Democrats resorted to cheating. This narrative of electoral fraud has been a central theme in Mr. Trump’s post-presidency activities, despite numerous investigations and court rulings debunking the claims.

The former president’s insistence on casting doubt on the integrity of the electoral process only serves to further divide an already polarized nation. By perpetuating these unfounded allegations, Mr. Trump undermines the very foundation of democracy and erodes public trust in the electoral system.

National Security and Foreign Policy

While the rally was supposed to focus on national security, Mr. Trump’s speech was dominated by personal attacks and conspiracy theories. He did touch on some key policy issues, such as his promise to invest in America’s military and his criticism of the Biden administration’s foreign policy.

Mr. Trump painted himself as the only candidate capable of restoring world peace and ending conflicts like the war in Ukraine. He claimed that his election victory was inevitable, but insinuated that the Democrats would try to cheat their way to power once again. This narrative of victimhood and persecution has become a recurring theme in Mr. Trump’s public appearances, as he seeks to rally his base and maintain his grip on the Republican Party.

Security Precautions and Tensions

The rally in Asheboro was Mr. Trump’s first outdoor event since surviving an assassination attempt in Pennsylvania. The heightened security measures were evident, with bulletproof glass surrounding the lectern and armed personnel stationed on surrounding rooftops. Large storage containers were strategically placed to obstruct the view of the stage from a distance, underscoring the tense atmosphere that has come to characterize Mr. Trump’s public appearances.

The presence of security personnel and the visible display of precautions underscored the lingering tensions and divisions that have defined American politics in recent years. Mr. Trump’s rhetoric, with its emphasis on personal attacks and conspiracy theories, has only served to exacerbate these divisions and fuel a climate of distrust and animosity.


The rally in Asheboro, North Carolina, showcased the continuing influence and impact of former President Donald J. Trump on American politics. His return to the campaign trail was marked by personal attacks, baseless claims of election fraud, and a divisive rhetoric that has become his trademark.

As the 2024 election approaches, Mr. Trump’s continued presence in the political arena raises questions about the future direction of the Republican Party and the broader implications for American democracy. By promoting falsehoods and inciting aggression towards his political opponents, Mr. Trump’s actions risk further polarizing an already fractured nation and undermining the very institutions that form the bedrock of our democracy.