The Zurich cantonal police (Kapo) presented on Wednesday the new traffic accident statistics. These are the main findings:

1. Fewer accidents, serious injuries and Deaths

First the good news: In the past year, in the Canton of Zurich to the number of accidents. 16’247 times there was a riot on the streets. The number of seriously injured decreased from 622 to 565, the number of deaths from 33 to 24. In the last year, 6 percent more than in the long-term average, accident victims but still. In the city of Zurich, the number of slightly injured persons increased to the highest value since 2003. Four out of five Accident victims were pedestrians inside or cyclists.

2. Velounfälle in cities
take to

In the city of Zurich more cyclists injured again. 555, it was 2019, a few years ago, it had been just under 300. In Cycling, there were almost as many casualties as in all the other categories. Winterthur recorded 149 accidents, even a “lone peak value”, as Daniel Beckmann of the city police Winterthur said. And, although in comparison to the previous year, less riders on the road.

If cyclists are involved in accidents, they usually have more severe consequences: Two thirds of all serious injuries and Fatalities are cyclists. Last June, for example, a 56-year-old Velofahrerin of the shipbuilding industry wanted to cross the tram tracks and was recorded by a Tram. She was severely injured and died the next day in the hospital. In mid-November a 35-Year-old at the Hubertus in a circle 3 crashed with a truck that was just about to turn right. Despite resuscitation, she died on the spot.

As the police were not to blame for 60 percent of the Velounfälle itself, the driver controlled your bike, ignored the precedence, or were inattentive. The “classic”, a Cycling accident, according to Beckmann: A driver drives drunk, collides with the edge of the stone and crashes onto the pavement.

3. Problem child are the E-Bikes

make The most of the police officers, the E-to create a Biker. In the cut every day, injured in the Canton of a Person and two people died. In total, there were 12% more accidents than in the previous year, and almost 70 percent more than in the long-term comparison.

there Were, up to now, but especially Seniors, the injured, are, according to the latest statistics, now Arm from all age groups. “The E-Bike’s only leisure time, but is also used increasingly for commuting to and from work,” said Frank sponge Berger, chief of the traffic police, the Kapo.

The Dangerous: “You underestimated the speed of the E-bikers often”, so sponge Berger. The Kapo has appointed, therefore, the E-Bike is a Problem and wants to raise the awareness of the Handlebars with prevention videos for the dangers.

The new prevention videos the police of the Canton of Zurich. Source: Kapo/Youtube

the police admonish the driver in the Videos, for example, to wear a Velohelm to use the cycle path, or to note the longer braking distance. The police will continue to offer free driving courses for drivers – but only for people over 60.

Where the prevention helps nothing, tried accident experts from the police, to improve the infrastructure: to dye in the case of a dangerous road bikes strip red, cut back on excursions hedges or replace traffic mirror, the layers in case of bad weather dam.

4. 47 accidents involving E-Scooters

The service Department at traffic for the first time has collected the Figures for accidents with E-Trottinetten. In the last year, there were 47 reported accidents. There are not so many E-Scooters: In Zurich, according to the town about the year 2000.

32 of the accidents were falls. They happened mostly at night, on the weekend, the drivers were often under the influence of alcohol. “In the past, one called such accidents for car drivers as a “Disco-accidents”,” said Wernher Brucks, head of traffic safety in the city. An example: at the end of June, a young woman rushed to 22 PM in the vicinity of the city Park in Winterthur from your E-scooter, and was injured slightly. As the police realized later, was the woman at the time of driving incapable – that is to say under the influence of alcohol.

Created: 11.03.2020, 16:41 PM