Fiskeriministeren will listen to concerns and assess whether the dumping of the cod needs to be investigated.

Fangstoversigter from Fiskeristyrelsen suggest that the illegal discarding of the hard-pressed cod in the North sea is a significant problem.

It is the assessment of Our Fish, which have been calculated on the figures, and the conclusion must, according to the watchdog, has to be that discarded a lot of undersized. It is illegal. They call the problem “very seriously”.

In 2018 was far below one percent of the cod, as the Danish fishermen landed from the north-east atlantic, under the minimum size. The figure is completely unrealistic low, think of Our Fish.

fisheries minister Mogens Jensen (S) will meet with Our Fish, in order to discuss the matter.

– I want to hear what they have to say, and then I will evaluate what my attitude to it is, says fisheries minister Mogens Jensen (S) before kvoteforhandlinger in Brussels on Monday and Tuesday.

Figures from The ices (Ices) indicates, according to Our Fish, that the proportion of undersized should be a total of 16.4 percent.

Fiskeristyrelsen notes that the land was 0.12 percent of cod under the minimum size, and which was discarded 573 kilograms in 2018.

Also, DTU Aqua, which provides figures from Danish waters (Ices, considered it unrealistic that undersized should be below a percent of the landed cod.

– We do not believe that it is realistic. We believe that the number is higher, says head of section at DTU Aqua Marie Storr-Paulsen.

the President of the Danish fishermen’s Association believes that Our Fish “compares apples and pears, when the number of Ices are compared with the figures from the Danish fishermen.

– Danish fishermen do not have 16 percent in the discard (discarding, ed.). It figures, I can not recognize, says Svend-Erik Andersen.

the Figure for the North sea was, according to the association of 1.6 percent in the first two quarters of 2019. He acknowledges that the Danish fishermen have had problems with registering, which, however, “has been better”:

– You create a piece of work to get these fish dismantled and measured up, and it may have been slow on the uptake. I’m just saying that the quantities that are here, are vanishingly small quantities.

At Our Fish argues there that the low catches of undersized and large cod – should give rise to, to protect the fishery further.

– It (illegal disposal) is not coming any joy. It destroys just the future of the fisheries in the North sea. It seems we are very seriously, says kampagneansvarlig of Our Fish Berit Asmussen.

the Organization cater to, to monitoring and control increases in fishing vessels.

Fiskeriministeren on Monday announced that cameras will monitor the fishing of scampi, which also landed cod as by-catch.

The initiative to find Our Fish, “great”, and you’re hoping for a quick implementation. But it is not enough, believe Berit Asmussen.

– It is not enough. For it is only on a part of the sector, ” she says, and stresses that it does not include the cod fisheries.
