Pedro Sánchez has imposed a surgical relief in the National Intelligence Center, to calm the Esquerra Republicana without causing a fire inside a secret service that has sent warning signs to the Executive in recent weeks: “Do not put us at our feet of the horses.”

The CNI was created twenty years ago, in full democracy, being the direct heir to the Cesid, an organization founded in 1977 by General Manuel Gutiérrez Mellado, which operated in the transition under military command, after having reunited Admiral Carrero Blanco’s Seced and the information service of the High General Staff of the Francoist army. The CNI, a civil organization, belongs to the democratic plant, but in its photo album the military gaze stands out. Army and Civil Guard nurture their ranks.

When turbulence arose in the CNI a few years ago, during the second presidency of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the (socialist) government appointed General Félix Sanz Roldán, Chief of Defense Staff, to calm them down. Sanz Roldán continued to lead the center during the mandate of Mariano Rajoy and in the interim of 2016, when in Spain there was talk of the possibility of an Italian-style technical government, chaired by a prestigious personality, the director of the CNI could be proud of being one of the few high-ranking state officials who had served, in a very delicate position, governments of the PSOE and the Popular Party. There was no technical government, and in 2019, General Sanz Roldán, after exactly ten years at the head of the intelligence service, handed over the position to his chief of staff, Paz Esteban. Mrs. Esteban was relieved of her post yesterday after discovering a phenomenal breach in the security of the communications of the Prime Minister and the ministers who have been in closest contact with the Morocco dossier, including the Minister of Agriculture, Luis Planas, ambassador of Spain in Rabat for seven years.

Surgical relief to avoid injuries to the CNI’s nervous system when there are less than two months to go before the NATO General Assembly in Madrid. The successor is Esperanza Casteleiro, until now number two in the Defense Ministry, closely linked to the secret service, daughter of an Air Force colonel.

The CNI continues in the sphere of Defense. The House is still run by people from the House. Minister Margarita Robles comes out of the trance unscathed, while Minister Plenipotentiary Félix Bolaños manages to resolve the equation with Esquerra: those derived from foreign espionage on the Government balance those derived from internal espionage on the independentistas. Pegasus cover Pegasus. ERC will not bring down the Government. Esquerra has no interest in that fall, since the argumentative axis of his current policy would vanish: the commitment to dialogue. But he needed a handle. And the handle is the surgical relief in the CNI.

More watermarks. All the spied ministers were in contact with the Morocco dossier, but nobody accuses Rabat of riding Pegasus. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, met yesterday afternoon in Marrakech with his Moroccan counterpart, Nasser Bourita. All very fine, all very surgical.

The Government will not fall for Esquerra. The government’s left wing is burning, where Pablo Iglesias begins to warn Yolanda Díaz for lack of obedience.