The European Parliament has approved the creation of a Special Commission to investigate “Foreign interference in all democratic processes in the European Union, in particular disinformation” in which it is expected that Russia’s maneuvers will be analyzed, among other cases, in the independence process and Carles Puigdemont’s contacts with the Kremlin.

The popular MEP, Javier Zarzalejos, has been elected vice president of this special commission that has one year to carry out its investigations.

The objective of the new commission is to evaluate the attempts “sponsored by non-European countries to influence the electoral processes of the EU and weaken its democratic system” and it succeeds a similar commission established a year ago and which finished its work in March and in whose final report states that the contacts between Catalan pro-independence leaders and representatives of the Russian regime require “an in-depth investigation”.

Zarzalejos intends to submit to the scrutiny of this commission the most recent information about Puigdemont’s meetings with Russian agents, specifically the one he had with Nikolai Sadovnikov, considered an “envoy of Putin”, on the eve of the illegal declaration of independence on 27 October 2017. According to Zarzalejos it would be a “very serious” episode and therefore he hopes that “knowing in depth how Russia acted in this specific case will help the EU to be prepared to face this type of threat » since «the Kremlin has assumed that support for secessionism is a useful instrument in its strategy to promote internal destabilization and disunity in the EU».

The president of the Commission is the French socialist Raphaël Glucksmann.