“Covid-19 continues to remind us that SARS-CoV-2 continues to be a killer virus, especially for unvaccinated and clinically vulnerable people.” The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a new warning this Thursday about the evolution of the pandemic on the same day that they have exceeded two million deaths caused by the coronavirus in Europe. An “official” figure, since the calculations on excess mortality on the continent shoot the data up to 3.2 million deaths.

The proliferation of new variants of Covid-19 confirm the forecasts of doctors such as Pedro Cavadas, who warned that a pandemic could “decimate the world population”, as it has happened, and predicted that the coronavirus vaccine would take “several years” to reach all the inhabitants of the planet.

[What is behind Pedro Cavadas and his warning about the risks of coronavirus and vaccines]

Both predictions have been fulfilled, as revealed by the “devastating” number of deaths released by the WHO. However, the UN international health organization highlights that the number of cases in Europe “remains too high, although it is decreasing.”

In this regard, the WHO is concerned about the decrease in tests carried out to detect the coronavirus and the relaxation of the population once practically all restrictions have been eliminated to avoid contagion beyond the mandatory use of the mask in some interior spaces, such as the case of Spain, where the Government is committed to maintaining the use of face masks in public transport.

In this context, the virologist of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) Margarita del Val has warned that “the pandemic is far from over”. The expert specifies her impression in figures: “The total number of deaths from this latest wave is very high, more than 16,000 throughout the country, and we do not know the real number of infections.” In her opinion, the epidemiological situation is still “very serious, although there is no such perception at all. We have the impression that it is more likely that we will be mildly affected by the vaccine, but we are by no means facing a finished pandemic.”

In fact, countries like South Africa have warned that coronavirus infections driven by new variants such as XE or BA.4 and BA.5 have increased tenfold. These strains are already circulating in Spain, although according to the Ministry of Health, their presence represents less than two percent of the sequenced cases.

Meanwhile, countries such as China or North Korea have confirmed the predictions of Dr. Pedro Cavadas that the asymmetric evolution of coronavirus vaccines would prevent eradicating the pandemic. Their respective governments have decreed confinements.

[Bill Gates’ warning about vaccines after announcing that he has tested positive for coronavirus]

Margarita del Val and Pedro Cavadas have placed their opinions on the coronavirus among the main references since the pandemic began. Both have agreed on the need to be vaccinated to deal with Covid-19. The Valencian doctor sent a clear message to the deniers in this regard: «As to a flat earther, I would say, what do you take? Leave it, it just doesn’t sit well with you. Like that kid who died of diphtheria because his father or his mother decided not to vaccinate him. Those guys should be rotting in jail.”

Meanwhile, the CSIC virologist maintains that “most of the people who are dying are unvaccinated people. The risk is higher for them. That’s why I tell those people to lose their fear of getting vaccinated.”