According to US President Joe Biden, there are also Americans among the people abducted by the Islamist Hamas. “We now know that there are American citizens among those held by Hamas,” Biden said yesterday in a speech at the White House. He didn’t give a number.

He ordered additional experts to be sent from the USA. “I have instructed the government to consult with Israeli colleagues and advise them on the hostage rescue and rescue efforts,” he said. Biden also ordered security measures around Jewish institutions in the United States to be tightened. “There is no place for hate in America,” he said.

Biden: “Stand with Israel”

The president made it clear that he wanted to provide Israel with additional military aid – he would also apply for corresponding support from the US Congress. “We must be crystal clear at this moment: We stand with Israel,” emphasized Biden.

The USA and Israel traditionally have a close friendship. The USA supports Israel with billions of dollars – a considerable part of which goes towards missile defense. National Security Council Communications Director John Kirby told CNN on Tuesday morning that the active fighting in Gaza was making it difficult to rescue the hostages.

US Secretary of State plans trip to Israel

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken wants to travel to Israel. Blinken is expected to arrive there tomorrow, US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller announced in Washington. Blinken wanted to discuss the situation with Israeli partners there and discuss how best to support Israel “in the fight against the terrorists who carried out these terrible attacks,” said Miller.

Report: First plane with US ammunition arrived in Israel

According to a media report, the Israeli military also received its first ammunition from American stocks. A first transport plane carrying “sophisticated” American ammunition landed at night at the Nevatim air base in southern Israel, the Israeli internet newspaper “The Times of Israel” reported, citing the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). The ammunition enables “significant attacks and preparations for further scenarios”.

Hamas, which is classified as a terrorist organization by the USA, the EU and Israel, carried out a major attack on the border area with Israel from the Gaza Strip on Saturday, the worst massacre of civilians since Israel was founded.

The number of deaths in Israel has now risen to at least 1,200. This was announced by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman Jonathan Conricus this morning. The “overwhelming majority” of the fatalities are civilians. At least 3,000 people were injured, the spokesman said. According to the Ministry of Health there, 950 people died and 5,000 people were injured as a result of the Israeli Air Force’s counterstrikes on the Gaza Strip.