It is up to the boss to allow or not to allow his employees to benefit from teleworking, a formula which can nevertheless prove interesting from the point of view of the retention of the workforce, estimates the Minister of Labor, Jean Boulet.

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A Québec solidaire government would allow all workers who can and wish to benefit from part-time telecommuting, a formula appreciated by many Quebecers which has proven its worth during the pandemic.

Solidarity MP Alexandre Leduc proposes creating a “right to telework”, enshrined in labor standards, which would allow employees to work from home up to a maximum of 50% of the time. In the event of a disagreement between an employer and his worker, it would be up to the CNESST to decide.

Minister Boulet points out that teleworkers are covered by Quebec labor laws. “It is important to remember that this method of organizing work is not suitable for all environments and that it is up to the employer, via his right of management, to allow it or not,” he added. he responded, in a statement sent to our Parliamentary Office.

According to him, remote work can however become a strategy of choice for a boss, who wishes to attract and retain his staff, especially in the midst of a labor shortage. “I call for the adoption of telework policies and for dialogue between employers and workers”, argues the Minister of Labor.