Green parliamentary group leader Andreas Audretsch accuses the Union of “shabbiness” in the dispute over the planned citizens’ allowance. “As a traffic light, we adjusted our draft law on citizen income, responded to criticism and approached the Union with an outstretched hand,” Audretsch told the newspapers of the Funke media group. “The Union reacts to this with more fake news and a competition of shabbiness.”
The Union is not above shamelessly copying false figures and graphics from AfD-related newspapers for its campaign. “All with just one goal: to play off people who have little money against each other.” The Union must be asked “whether it wants to be responsible for its populist sentiment at the expense of people in our society.”
The introduction of citizen income on January 1 is still in the balance. The factions of the SPD, Greens and FDP have made changes to the original plans, but the Union stands by their rejection.
Citizens’ income is intended to replace the previous Hartz IV basic security. The aim is to put those affected in a position to be able to concentrate more on further training and looking for work. They should be put under less pressure by the job center. The standard rates of basic security should also increase by around 50 euros per month. Union politicians warn against abuse of benefits. They also complain that there are no incentives to return to work.