The Civil Guard has arrested six people during an operational device established within the Ceres Plan for crime prevention in the province of Toledo, with agents from the Reserve and Security Group (GRS), Traffic Group, Citizen Security and Cynological Service of the Civil Guard.
This massive operational device was established at various points in the region of La Sagra and the Mesa de Ocaña during the afternoon of May 11 and resulted in the arrest of six people for committing various crimes, including drug trafficking. drugs, against road safety for driving without ever having obtained authorization or for being searched, detained and summoned by a court.
Shortly after the start of the device, Civil Guard agents stopped a couple traveling on the A-5 motorway, as it passed through the town of Santa Cruz del Retamar. At the time of searching the vehicle, they were caught carrying 300 grams of hashish pollen in three vacuum-sealed packages. The man had numerous criminal records.
Throughout the afternoon, up to three people at the time of their identification at the established controls turned out to be wanted by the Courts of Torremolinos, Denia and Leganés.
In addition to the detainees described, one person was identified on the CM-41 motorway and it turned out that he did not have any type of driving license, and he was also arrested for driving without ever having obtained authorization.
One of those detained by judicial requisition was in the company of a man who, when he was identified by the agents, turned out to be a minor, 17 years old and of Moroccan nationality, who had escaped from a center for minors in the Community of Madrid, the which was returned to autonomous guardianship.
Finally, the operational device within the Ceres Plan for crime prevention in the province of Toledo results in six arrests, five men and one woman, aged between 20 and 50 years, the location of a minor escaped from a center, 12 complaints to the Organic Law 4/2015 on the Protection of Citizen Security and 22 complaints to the Road Safety Law.