The condom has replaced the pill as the number one contraceptive in Germany. This was the result of a study by the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) in Cologne, which was published on Thursday. More than half of those surveyed (53 percent) said they used condoms for contraception. Only 38 percent mentioned the pill. In 2007, the ratio was almost the opposite: back then, 55 percent used the pill and only 36 percent used condoms.

Other contraceptive methods such as coils, sterilization and calendar methods currently play only a minor role. For the representative study, the BZgA surveyed 1,001 sexually active adults between the ages of 18 and 49 in August and September.

According to the research, negative attitudes towards hormonal contraception are increasing. 61 percent of women and men agree that contraception with hormones has “negative effects on the body and soul” – in 2018 only 48 percent agreed with this.

Reliability and tolerability

When asked about the most important criteria for choosing a contraceptive, 39 percent of those surveyed said reliability, 30 percent said it was easy to use and 25 percent said it was well tolerated.

Overall, 70 percent said they used contraception during sex. The most important source of information for women is gynecological advice (73 percent) and for men the Internet (49 percent).

The pill is considered a safe contraceptive and is relatively easy to use. However, it must be taken every day at the same time as possible. Because it contains hormones, a number of side effects can occur. Condoms are also considered safe when used correctly and are relatively inexpensive. They also offer protection against HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Study information from the BZgA on contraceptive methods