“We will not share thunderous silences,” Alfonso Rueda, president of the PPdeG, sentenced this Friday after the meeting of the party’s Executive Committee, referring to the fact that the BNG did not intervene in the extraordinary plenary session of the Pontevedra Provincial Council for the ‘in-law case’. The provincial president, Carmela Silva, limited herself after the plenary session convened by court order to say that “everything she had to say was said repeatedly”, and only the Popular Party intervened. The BNG, according to Rueda, kept “a complicit silence.” That is why “we have to tell it and say that these things are happening,” said the also president of the Xunta.

He regretted that “the good opportunity that the provincial president Carmela Silva and the Socialist Party had to show their faces and give explanations that they never give” was not taken advantage of.

He added that “not only do they not give explanations, but they unplugged so that the plenary session could not be followed through networks.” And he also made reference to Abel Caballero, mayor of the city where this episode of irregular hiring took place: “Why doesn’t the mayor of Vigo talk about this? Why is a path followed towards a pardon that, if granted, would be a national scandal? », He declared, « We are going to be vigilant of these things, nobody gives us lessons. This party is not ashamed of anything”, concluded the president of the Galician Popular Party.

The allusions to the nationalists did not end there. After the meeting of Ana Pontón, spokesperson for the BNG, with Pere Aragonés, president of the Generalitat, Rueda declared this Friday that “with respect to independence, I share that reference.” She developed it (“If I leave it there, I’ll get into trouble,” she joked): “You have to look at yourself in the mirror of independence, but you can do it in two ways. To want to be a bad copy of systems that have already failed, or you can look at yourself to say that we do not want that in Galicia and it will never be done ». In this sense, “we will never fail”, he declared after the meeting of the Executive Committee.

However, he defends that “we are a historical nationality.” “Within an indissoluble nation,” but with our “peculiarities.” He added that signs of identity must be marked and know how to defend them so that Galicia is given the treatment it deserves. “We are not going to accept what we do not deserve and we are not going to stop claiming what we do deserve.”

A week after celebrating the 18th Autonomous Congress, it was also time to take stock. Despite having a “continuist” government team (few names have been added) “we left Congress with renewed and solid ideas, we know what we want to do,” said Rueda. He took the opportunity to “welcome the new ones”, but, above all, “thanks to those who stepped aside and took a step back”. “They deserve the greatest thanks.”

Leaving the news aside, Rueda recalled that “it is not a minor issue to commit a tax cut that will mean 15 million to Galicians” in the first 15 days of his government, nor “approve four childhood vaccines” putting Galicia at the head of the autonomous communities in this matter. He defends that it is a good start, but “we have to be more demanding and ask for more” because “we have been asking for people’s trust for 13 years, and they have always given it to us.”

He assures that he will reach out to the opposition. “I will meet with them, that’s why we are here,” he announced, and promises to be “open to dialogue to have an effective meeting.” In addition, he plans this meeting with the leaders of the BNG and PSdeG before being able to meet with Pedro Sánchez: “I will go as a representative of Galicia and I want to have the support of the opposition to take a common position.” He will transfer, he said, the needs of Galicia: the AVE, Next Generation funds or lower taxes.