“Docility”. Before the goberment. This is what this Wednesday, during the control session, in the plenary session of the Galician Parliament, the president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, has reproached an opposition that has again accused him of not solving the “structural” problem of health (PSdeG) and to act with “insensitivity” to the crisis (BNG). Rueda has made it ugly for them to focus their criticism on the regional government when, towards the central government, they are never able to “raise their voices.” Incidentally, the president has condemned the attempt to “open the melon” of the reform of the Statute to “divert attention.”

In the first confrontation, with the socialist spokesman, Luis Álvarez, who has insisted that the lack of health, especially public attention, is due to a lack of political “will” in San Caetano, Rueda has asked those of the fist and the Rosa why they limit themselves to filling the Xunta with “reproaches, duties and obligations”, but “they are afraid” of following the example of other autonomies of their political sign, who demand that the Government “do what it is not doing” to reverse health problems.

The problem, Rueda himself has answered, is that “there are no arrests” to minimally go against what the national leadership marks. And he has blamed the Galician PSOE for “amnesia”, to forget that health problems come from afar, and were already a headache for Touriño, during the bipartite; and a “docility” that “neither cures the sick nor helps public health.”

In his following dialectical exchange, with the Bloc’s spokeswoman, Ana Pontón, Rueda has also accused the nationalists of being “very brave in Galicia against the Xunta government”, but “very docile” and “very meek”, “for put it mildly”, “in Madrid”, with the central government. Here he has put the two opposition groups in the same political bag: again the PSdeG, for not making any criticism of its leadership; but he has affirmed that the BNG is “even more docile”, referring to the pact that allowed Pedro Sánchez to be invested, and against which he has been widely dispatched, affirming that it reveals the “utility” of nationalism, which he has affirmed is “zero” -.

Pontón has insisted that Rueda debuted as “accidental” president and is on his way to becoming “insubstantial.” He has portrayed a president who has no proposals or solutions, and that when he intervenes, it is only to the detriment of the Galicians: regarding the new law of the water cycle, he has remarked that it will translate into “raising” the receipt to “thousands ” of people.

The head of the Xunta has recalled that on Friday he will be received by the King, at the Palacio de la Zarzuela, while he still does not know anything about the request for an audience with Sánchez, of whom he has censored that they are so “busy” that he does not have a “hole” to welcome you as a representative of an entire autonomous community. By the way, he has insisted on demanding, as he did in the bilateral meetings with the two representatives of the Galician left, in San Caetano, a position of “unity” to demand that all the demands that are on the table, of infrastructures to projects that require European funding; issues that should be agreed between the entire Galician political class. As a climax, he has repeated the wheel that “that docility is worth nothing” before the Government that the opposition exhibits, when “here”, in Galicia, they are “very demanding”; ignoring that there are “things”, problems, that are not within the scope of action of the Xunta, whether they are health deficits or the consequences of inflation.

During the confrontation with Pontón, he has also criticized that now, once again, they “open the melon” of the reform of the Statute of Autonomy, a classic solution when they “run out of arguments”, which only serves to “distract attention”, but that bears no resemblance to the real concerns of society, such as filling the shopping basket. The president has thrown a dart wondering if this “melon” will not be more of a dispute to see who is “second” or “third”, who is stronger within the opposition. And as a closing, it has been very clear: “Don’t count on us for that, nor do I think you can count on the majority of Galicia”, which has other “concerns”.