RECOVERY PLAN. Presented last year to respond to the deleterious effects of the coronavirus health crisis on the French economy, the Recovery Plan includes several measures intended for individuals. Overview.

Modernization of slaughterhouses, cathedral plan… The measures of the French Recovery Plan make you dizzy, as there are so many of them. In total, 100 billion euros must be injected by 2022 to support growth, expected at 6% in 2021. It must be said that the stakes are high: to get France back on its feet to respond to the catastrophic effects of the coronavirus crisis. “My objective is to accelerate the deployment of this recovery plan, and whatever the health situation,” said the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, during a press briefing in early March.

As a reminder, this Recovery Plan has three major components, endorsed in the 2021 finance bill or budget: support for ecological transition, industrial investment and aid for training and employment of young people. Is it however definitive? Not so sure, because a major issue has emerged since the start of the year: forced household savings. The latter have set aside an additional 100 to 120 billion euros in savings. The Ministry of the Economy is working on incentives to direct household savings towards investment, but rejects any tax increase. But in the meantime, what are the measures of the recovery plan in the state that will concern you? And change your daily life? explains everything in detail.

The Prime Minister recently announced the release of 60 million euros in emergency aid for the breeders most in difficulty. In detail, this aid will be aimed at professionals who have earned less than 11,000 euros in 2020, due to the coronavirus health crisis. Regularly, breeders denounce the fact that they have to sell their animals at a price lower than their production costs.

“For all breeders who have earned less than 11,000 euros in 2020 and who have suffered significant losses, which represents 18,000 farms, (…) we are going to put in place an exceptional financial support system which will cover up to 80% of operating losses”, said Jean Castex. “This means an envelope of 60 million (euros) which will be added to the envelope provided for in the recovery plan (…) of 50 million for the restructuring of the sector, actions that I want to link”. But what does the recovery plan presented in early September actually provide? A total of €1.2 billion is dedicated to the agriculture sector. If you take a look at the list offered by Bercy, the measures are numerous. Here are some examples:

In terms of hiring, several aids, especially intended for businesses, have been implemented as part of the Recovery Plan unveiled last September. They particularly concern young workers, 750,000 of whom enter the labor market each year. Here is what has been set up:

Regarding training, the executive has supported several training courses, such as health and care. In addition to this, Pôle emploi can now provide “intensive support to boost job search” for applicants aged 16 to 30. More concrete aid is intended for companies (FNE-Training system for partially unemployed employees, pro-A system).

In terms of energy renovation, several measures have been taken, such as the tax credit for the renovation of VSEs and SMEs or the major restructuring of social housing – in other words the improvement of social housing both thermally and their design and accessibility. With regard to individuals, the French Recovery Plan has officially extended the Ma Prime Rénov’ system.

Created last year, this financial aid aims to replace the energy transition tax credit (CITE), thanks to the payment of a bonus upon completion of the work. As of January 1, 2021, all households – homeowners, co-owners and landlords – are eligible, regardless of income level. A total of four separate bonuses were implemented, depending on the level of resources. The amount of Ma Prime Rénov’ therefore depends on the income of the tax household requesting it, the location of the accommodation and the nature of the work undertaken. Want to know more? Consult our dedicated article without further delay:

Are you wondering about the other measures contained in the Recovery Plan relating to ecology? summarizes them for you:

The measures of the Recovery plan relating to digital are mainly aimed at businesses. Several transition aid schemes are promoted, such as those of the France Num initiative. The latter allows in particular the granting of a check for 500 euros “to be used on the purchase of a support service for digital transformation or on the purchase of a solution, in particular for selling or communicating remotely with its customers and to promote its activity on the Internet”.

Imagine that you are the owner of a business, and wish to develop take-out sales, through a website? You enter this scenario. This check for 500 euros is intended for companies which have “been subject to a ban on welcoming the public from October 30, 2020, as well as hotels and similar accommodation employing fewer than 11 employees”, perhaps read on the dedicated page. Go to the following address to make your request:

In the summer of 2020, as part of the Recovery Plan, Prime Minister Jean Castex announced an increase in the amounts of the back-to-school allowance for the start of the 2020 school year, up to an additional 100 euros. As a reminder, the back-to-school bonus is social assistance from the Family Allowance Fund (CAF), paid during the month of August in one go, subject to means testing. Last year, the families concerned could receive between 469 and 503 euros per child, depending on the age of the child. Will these amounts be kept as they are for the 2021-2022 school year? Nothing has been announced in this regard, for the moment.

What about other countries? Dubbed the “American bailout”, new US President Joe Biden’s economic stimulus package includes $1.9 trillion in aid. Several major measures have been taken in favor of individuals. Here are the main ones: