MOSCOW — The top Kremlin official warned Wednesday that the U.S. could be subject to the “wrath” of God if it continues to pursue efforts to establish an international tribunal to investigate Russia’s actions in Ukraine. Meanwhile, the Russian speaker of the lower house urged Washington to recall that Alaska once belonged to Russia.

Dmitry Medvedev was the Russian deputy secretary to the Security Council, which is headed by President Vladimir Putin. He denounced the U.S. because it tried to spread chaos and destruction around the world in the name of “true democracy.”

Medvedev argued that the entire U.S. history from the time of subjugation was a series bloody wars. He made the accusations in a lengthy Telegram diatribe, pointing out the U.S. nuke bombing of Japan in World War II. Was anyone held accountable for these crimes? What tribunal condemned the U.S.’s bloody actions?

Medvedev reacted to U.S.-backed requests for an international tribunal to investigate the alleged war crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine.

Medvedev stated, “It won’t work with Russia. They know it well.” “That’s why the rotten dog of war barks in such a disgusting manner.”

Medvedev referred to the Apocalypse, saying that “The U.S. and all its useless stooges should recall the words of God: Don’t judge and you won’t be judged”

He stated that “the idea of punishing a country possessing the greatest nuclear potential is absurd” and could pose a threat to the existence of the world.

This warning comes after a string of harsh statements by Putin and his officials, which pointed to the Russian nuclear arsenals in an effort to warn the West not interfere with Moscow’s actions in Ukraine.

The West was often more liberal than his mentor, Medvedev, who was Russia’s president from 2008 to 2012. However, his remarks in recent months have been much more harsh than those made by most hawkish Kremlin officials.

Vyacheslav Volodin issued another warning to the U.S. Vyacheslav Volodin, a long-time Putin aide and speaker of the lower chamber of parliament, reminded Washington Wednesday that Alaska is part of Russia when it blocks Russian assets. Russia colonized Alaska, established numerous settlements there, and the U.S. bought it from Russia in 1867 at $7.2 million.

Volodin stated that when they try to take our assets overseas, they should know that we have something to claim back.