Because of the allegation of attempted murder of a seriously ill patient, a suspected false nurse has been in front of the Augsburg district court since Tuesday. At the beginning of the trial, the 42-year-old’s defense attorney announced that he wanted to make a statement for his client on the next day of the trial in May.

The defendant will not answer any questions, the lawyer said. The defense attorney did not want to comment specifically on the allegations. The defendant is said to have given the patient an overdose of insulin in February 2022. He died shortly thereafter.

According to the indictment, the woman is said to have gotten a job as an intensive care nurse in a clinic with false documents and almost killed a patient with an insulin overdose. The accused German has been in custody for a year.

Judgment expected in May

According to the public prosecutor’s office, the accused previously only worked as an unskilled nursing assistant in the Berlin area. In order to get better-paying jobs, she is said to have forged a certificate from the city of Potsdam stating that she was a nurse. In addition, she is also said to have manipulated a certificate as an intensive care nurse.

With these documents, the woman is said to have gotten jobs from recruiters who place intensive care staff in hospitals from 2021. In February 2022, she worked in the Wertach Clinic in Schwabmünchen (Augsburg district). There she is said to have given a seriously ill patient who had previously had an operation and was in the intensive care unit a tenfold excess dose of insulin.

When the woman noticed the error, she entered incorrect values ??in the nursing documentation and failed to alert the ward doctor, which was urgently needed. The patient died a day later. Since the patient’s poor state of health cannot prove that the man ultimately died as a result of the accused’s behavior, the criminal charge is attempted instead of completed murder. The verdict in the proceedings is expected in mid-May.