Lasagna like this is damn tasty, but unfortunately it is also time-consuming to prepare. A viral TikTok recipe now provides a solution: All the ingredients for the Italian specialty go into a pot (more or less at the same time) and combine to form a wonderful symbiosis of flavors. The taste is clearly similar to lasagna, but this recipe saves you a lot of time, effort and washing up work – a classic one-pot dish and therefore simply brilliant.
But the viral idea isn’t really new. The name “lasagna” suggests that the (traditional) preparation of the dish in a pot is not quite as exotic as it might initially sound. If you take a look at the Latin dictionary, the derived word “lasanum” means nothing other than “cooking pot”. And the Greek counterpart “lasanon” (German for “tripod”) also reveals that the lasagne was probably prepared in a (three-legged) cauldron some time ago. But whether in a saucepan, three-legged kettle or one pot, the lasagne soup is easy to prepare, super tasty and therefore perfect for quick cooking. Therefore: Have fun trying it out.
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