The president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, has assured that the authorized transfer this Friday of 16 hm3 from the Tagus to the Segura for the month of June –of which 8.5 hectometers will be for irrigation– given the situation exceptional hydrological, “it is half of what would have been authorized with the Memorandum of shame, but it is twice what it will be when the new Tagus Plan that we have managed to plan together is in force”. He has added that although “we have not achieved one hundred percent of what we set out to do in the water, we will end up doing it”.

In this sense, and after ensuring that this derivation is part of an “expired legislation”, he has warned that “there are fewer and fewer options to transfer because there is less and less water” due to the weather, as reported by the Board in a press release .

Likewise, he stressed that the important thing is “to maintain the position and that we know that a land like this will end up getting away with it because we are constant, and we say the same today as last year, and we say the same here as in Madrid.”