Users of autonomously owned metropolitan transport, that is, those of Valladolid, León, Salamanca, Burgos and Segovia, can already benefit from the 15 percent discount on the rates stipulated for the different types of subscriptions to which they can avail. This discount, included in the Response Plan to the worsening of the economic situation approved in the first Governing Council of the legislature, began to be applied on June 1 and will be in force for a period of three months.

These travelers can make use of a wide range of subscriptions (for ordinary trips, for special trips, ordinary monthly, combined monthly, young monthly) with advantageous prices per trip, and to which, in addition, in some cases, they can add a discount to greater than 20 percent -if they belong to a large family of grade 1- or 50 percent, if it is made to one considered of grade 2.

In this way, as reported by the Ministry of Mobility and Digital Transformation, one of the specific measures for the transport sector included in the document approved by the Board on April 21 to cushion the high increase in the fuel price, globally valued at 9.6 million euros. This also included the updating of the financing for the general use service, the freezing of the rates and the postponement of the payment of the regional ownership rates for professionals in the road transport sector, Ical collects.

The metropolitan transport data for the year 2021 show a global number of users that exceeds 5.35 million, with Valladolid occupying the first position, with 1.86 million, followed closely by Salamanca (1 .83 million).