The Brandenburg state government is looking for interested districts and urban districts for the planned new transitional facility for refugees with no prospects of staying. “We are in dialogue with the municipalities,” said the spokesman for the Ministry of Health, Gabriel Hesse, on Wednesday in Potsdam. It is about developing a model facility together. Refugees with no prospect of staying, who cannot currently be deported for certain reasons, are to be brought into training or employment there. This should relieve the municipalities.

After a refugee summit at the end of March, the municipalities were disappointed that the planned increase in initial reception by 3,000 places and the design of a transitional facility for people with no prospects of staying had not yet been clarified.

Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU) initially proposed a transitional facility for the state, but this was met with criticism from the SPD and the Greens. Internal votes were underway for the planned increase in initial reception places, said Interior Ministry spokesman Andreas Carl.