MY PREMIUM RENOV. A nice upgrade of the Ma Prime Rénov scheme is expected in 2022. Not one, but two bonuses are expected. State aid could even reach 9,000 euros for certain energy renovation works. For who ? What jobs? When ? We tell you everything.

[Updated on April 11, 2022 at 11:15 a.m.] Good news for all French people who wish to carry out energy renovation work in their interior! The Minister of Ecological Transition Barbara Pompili announced in March the upgrading of the Ma Prime Rénov ‘system with the establishment of a new bonus in 2022! A valuable aid that could allow eligible people to save a lot of money. Indeed, a bonus of 1,000 euros will be paid for the realization of certain works this year. Are particularly concerned, the change of a fossil fuel boiler by a new biomass boiler or by a heat pump.

But the good news doesn’t stop there for the do-it-yourselfers among you. And for good reason, a second bonus of 9,000 euros could also see the light of day, but no details have yet been provided by the government. The latter should communicate quickly to draw the outlines of this new device. Please note, to claim these various “upgrades” of Ma Prime Rénov’, you must submit your application file between April 15 and December 31, 2022. Beyond this deadline, it will be impossible to claim this exceptional bonus. put in place by the executive.

The government’s objective is to promote a transition to greener and more sustainable energy. This aid is part of the resilience plan presented by Prime Minister Jean Castex during the month of March, supposed to support the French in the face of rising consumer and energy prices. This bonus could even reach up to 9,000 euros for certain types of renovations, but the Government has not provided further information on this subject. The Ma Prime Rénov’ scheme has been accessible to all households since last year, without income conditions. New this year, an entirely dedicated interactive site guides you in renovating your home. France Rénov’ is a new public service supported by the State with local authorities and piloted by the National Housing Agency (Anah). The system includes a website, a single telephone number for all your procedures and a network of more than 450 physical spaces throughout France

Attention, households wishing to carry out work in their home will now have to face a tightening of the eligibility rules for the Ma Prime Rénov’ scheme:

Since January 1, 2020, Ma Prime Rénov’ has replaced the energy transition tax credit (CITE) and the aid from the National Housing Agency (Anah) “Living better agility” and “Living better serenity”. The system is accessible to all owners and all housing condominiums built for at least 15 years, as indicated by a decree of December 30.

Until now, Ma Prime Rénov’ was aimed at owners of homes that had been completed for more than two years. This rule continues to apply in only one case: when you want to hire a site to change your old oil boiler. Another noteworthy change is that the owner occupying the accommodation to be renovated must occupy it for at least 8 months per year. “The owner undertakes to occupy his accommodation as his main residence within one year of the request for the balance”, we add in the notice of the decree. “[Furthermore,] the deadline for completion of the works is increased to 2 years”.

Since last year, Ma Prime Rénov’ has been accessible to all households, whatever their income. In total, four categories of income exist, depending on the location of your accommodation. The amount of your aid therefore depends on the nature of the work undertaken, the location of your main residence – the only accommodation eligible for Ma Prime Rénov’ – and your level of income. The request must be made on the site The payment of Ma Prime Rénov’ takes place within two to three weeks after the submission of your file, complete, quotes and invoices in support. Did you plan to undertake energy renovation work in your home in 2022? You may not be eligible for Ma Prime Rénov’.

To simulate your aid, go to the dedicated Simulaides website. Remember to bring your latest income tax notice, to be able to communicate your reference tax income. You will need to mention several pieces of information about your accommodation (address, municipality, year of construction, type of accommodation, area and main heating energy) and your household (number of adults, dependents, tax shares, status, RFR).

Ma Prime Rénov’ is now available to all households, regardless of income. Four income categories will be created based on income level: Blue, Yellow, Purple, and Pink. Here are the scales:

Resource ceiling outside Île-de-France

Resource ceiling in Île-de-France

Not all energy-saving work is eligible for the system that replaces the CITE. In a detailed presentation document of Ma Prime Rénov’, the Ministry of Ecological Transition had listed all the eligible actions, here they are:

“The amount [of the premium] will depend on the level of income and will be higher for low-income households than for wealthy households,” Emmanuelle Wargon explained to Le Parisien last year. In addition to the nature of the work undertaken, “the aid will be modulated according to the place of residence with a specific scale for Ile-de-France”, indicated the minister. Construction sites started “as of this fall” (October 1) will be eligible for the scheme. Ma Prime Rénov’ is now open to all owners (lessors and occupants) and condominiums. Would you like to know the details of the amounts by type of site and income category? Here is what the Ministry of Ecological Transition has published and which you can find by clicking here:

How much for my Yellow Renovation Bonus?

How much for my Purple Renovation Prime?<!–td {border: 1px solid

How much for my Renov’ Rose Premium?

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With what aids can it be combined?

The bonus can be combined with other existing schemes, up to a limit of 20,000 euros per dwelling over five years. My Prime Rénov’ can be combined for the same work with aid from Action Logement and that of local authorities, for example. On the other hand, be aware that it cannot be perceived with the other aids of Anah (Living Better Serenity, etc.). Note: each type of eligible expense is capped within this framework. Here are some examples of the amounts to respect:

To apply for Ma Prime Rénov’, you must go to the FranceRénov’ website. You will need to provide a number of supporting documents to create your account, starting with your latest income tax notice, your email address, as well as all the titles and dates of birth of the members of your household. You will also need to send the quotes for the work and specify if you benefit from other aids and subsidies.

“You have to look for craftsmen who are labeled RGE, it is important to ask them”, recalls the Minister Delegate for Housing in a video posted on Twitter. Keep in mind that all of these documents must be scanned: you cannot send them by mail. “[After submitting your application], you will receive a response telling you that you are indeed eligible for Ma Prime Rénov’ and giving you the amount of aid to which you are entitled”, indicates Emmanuelle Wargon. “For more information, contact an advisor free of charge on 0 808 800 700”, it says in the preamble. Once the work is done, all you have to do is upload your invoice. The payment of Ma Prime Rénov’ takes place within two to three weeks.

The payment of this financial assistance occurs at the end of the work, within two to three weeks.

Since January 11, 2021, co-ownership syndicates have been able to apply for Ma Prime Rénov’ energy renovation aid. “This is a one-time aid paid to the syndicate of co-owners to finance the overall renovation work which guarantees a significant improvement in comfort and energy performance (35% minimum energy gain after work)”, can we read on the dedicated page of the Ministry of the Economy. “The amounts of aid and the method of calculation of MaPrimeRénov ‘co-ownerships is 25% of the share of the work within the limit of €3,750/housing”.

Would you like to undertake energy renovation work for the accommodation you rent? It is now possible for landlords to apply for Ma Prime Rénov’. They get help, the amount of which depends on their level of income, as for owner-occupiers. In detail, landlords can benefit from it for several dwellings – up to three rented properties. The conditions to benefit from it are as follows, listed on the dedicated Ma Prime Rénov’ page:

The steps are essentially the same as for owner-occupiers. Here’s what to expect as a landlord:

When you are an occupying owner, Ma Prime Rénov’ can only be allocated to work that concerns your main residence. Landlords had to wait until July to apply for energy renovation assistance.