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After the death of the cyclist who was seriously injured in an accident, the police called for more objectivity in clear terms. “The climate stickers did not cause the horrible accident on Monday,” said Benjamin Jendro, spokesman for the police union (GdP) in Berlin. Whether the cyclist’s life could have been saved if the helpers had arrived faster is “purely speculative.”
Jendro also wrote: “We should remain factual and let the judiciary clarify the question of possible causality under the rule of law.” At the same time, he made it clear: “It is clear that people in need need help as quickly as possible and that the daily blockades massively impede the ability of the police and fire brigade in this city to act.”
The official addresses the blockers directly: They should know for themselves “whether they continue to commit crimes and take this risk or whether other, democratic forms of protest would be more effective.” He also criticized the fact that the measures continued. “The fact that they are blocking traffic routes again today shows a certain lack of empathy. At this point we would like to express our condolences to the relatives of the deceased cyclist,” said the GdP man.
The question of whether the life of the woman in Berlin could have been saved if a special vehicle from the fire brigade had gotten there faster has occupied the public for days. The climate activists of the “last generation” are accused of being partly to blame for the delayed rescue through the traffic chaos they provoked.
According to the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” (SZ), the fire brigade sees no connection. The traffic jam caused by the activists had no impact on the care of the accident victim, according to an internal memo from the fire department.
It says: The accident victim, who “was trapped with one leg under the middle tire of the truck on arrival”, was treated on the spot by an emergency doctor. This was not prevented by the traffic jam.
While the very large special vehicle of the fire brigade, the “rescue vehicle”, which could have lifted the concrete mixer, was still stuck in a traffic jam, the emergency doctor had already decided not to lift the concrete mixer. According to the SZ newspaper, the Berlin fire brigade sent the note to the Berlin Senator for the Interior on Tuesday afternoon.
According to RTL information, the cyclist’s body will be autopsied to clarify the exact cause of death. Experts assume that it will be difficult to establish a connection between the activists’ blockade and the delay in treating the woman who had an accident, and thus to formulate a concrete criminal charge.
The injuries and the condition of the woman are said to have been so bad that she would never have recovered completely and would have remained a nursing case for life, as RTL learned.