Oily skin is primarily an aesthetic problem, but it is also a health problem: Excessive sebum production causes an oily complexion, which clogs the pores and promotes skin impurities. As if that wasn’t annoying enough, those affected also have to deal with pimples and blackheads, which sprout more and more in the face, shoulder and back area. But why do some people actually tend to have oily skin, why do the sebaceous glands secrete too much lubricant and – what is even more important – how can the skin’s appearance be permanently improved? The star got to the bottom of the questions.

Normally, the sebaceous glands produce one to two grams of body fat, also called sebum in professional circles. However, if this amount is exceeded, the pores become clogged and widen, the sebum can no longer drain properly and an oily film forms on the skin’s surface. In addition, bacteria can spread more quickly on the surface and thus trigger inflammation that promotes skin blemishes such as blackheads and pimples. But how does such overproduction come about in the first place? The most well-known causes of oily skin with large pores include hereditary predisposition, stress, improper (mal)nutrition, ovarian diseases, Parkinson’s disease and excessive alcohol consumption. But the regular intake of medication such as hormone preparations can also have an impact on sebum production.

In the most common cases, however, it is our own hormones that cause oily skin – more specifically, it is the male sex hormones, known as androgens. A woman’s body also produces this hormone, so both sexes are equally aware of the problem. Due to excessive androgen production, teenagers in particular suffer from oily skin in combination with pimples, blackheads or acne during puberty, but adults can also be affected. Women in particular when their hormone production changes, for example due to pregnancy, stopping the birth control pill or just before their menstruation. You are therefore not immune to oily skin at any age. The good news, however, is that there are many effective ways you can significantly improve your complexion and reduce blemishes.

1. Cleaning

On the face, oily skin usually occurs in the so-called T-zone, i.e. on the forehead, nose and chin. This is mainly due to the fact that there are more sebaceous glands in these areas than, for example, on the cheeks. But the scalp, back and shoulders can also produce too much sebum and thus appear oily. It is all the more important to properly clean and care for the affected areas. Preferably every morning and every evening: Commercially available soaps and creams are the wrong choice here, as they usually only worsen the symptoms. It is better to use gentle cleansers that you use to regularly cleanse your oily skin to unclog the pores of excess sebum. We recommend a non-greasy washing gel (PH-neutral), gentle peelings with salicylic acid (important: only use a maximum of twice a week to remove dead skin cells) or a mild cleansing foam for the face.

Furthermore, healing clay in the form of a face mask is suitable for cleaning oily skin, which is primarily intended to reduce large pores that are widened by excessive sebum production. A facial tonic can also help, especially if it contains alcohol (i.e. ethanol) and thus has a disinfecting effect on the skin. And last but not least, a gentle cleansing milk is also recommended, but you should make sure that you only use one with fat-absorbing properties. However, remember not to degrease your skin too often – otherwise you risk destroying the natural protective acid mantle, so that the sebaceous glands produce even more fat to compensate for the loss. That wouldn’t make sense.

The following cleaning products are recommended here:

2. care

After cleansing comes care – because oily skin also needs moisture. When using day and night creams, make sure that the products are not moisturizing but have moisturizing properties. Here, too, there are special care products for oily skin that are intended to reduce the flow of sebum and minimize the typical greasy shine. However, if you use cosmetics on a daily basis, you should definitely pay attention to the wording “non-comedogenic” on the packaging. “Comedogenic” refers to certain ingredients that are said to clog pores. And of course, that’s the last thing you want when you’re putting on makeup.

Have you ever noticed that your skin is particularly shiny at midday and less so in the late evening? This is sometimes due to the fact that your sebaceous glands work differently throughout the day – so it is advisable to use oil-free make-up with mattifying pigments that bind excess fat on the skin. However, only apply the product to your face after thorough cleaning and avoid powdering several times, otherwise the powder mixes with the sebum or greasy shine and in turn offers an ideal breeding ground for bacteria that promote skin impurities such as pimples and blackheads .

The following cleaning products are recommended here:

As already mentioned at the beginning, our diet also has an influence on the complexion of the skin. Especially if you suffer from oily skin, it is advisable to avoid foods that are particularly high in salt, fat or sugar – because they promote sebum production. On the other hand, make sure you eat a balanced diet that includes more fresh fruits and vegetables and fewer animal products such as red meat, milk, butter and cheese, as they are high in saturated fat. In addition to a healthy diet, it is also beneficial if you drink enough water (unflavoured) throughout the day. On the other hand, we recommend those foods that are rich in vitamin A or zinc, such as:

There are natural ingredients in just about every household that can help you remove the greasy shine. This includes lemon juice, among other things: the acid it contains not only kills germs, but also ensures that large pores contract. To do this, simply mix a teaspoon of juice with half a spoon of water, hold a cotton pad in the liquid and then dab it onto your skin. Leave the solution on for ten minutes before washing it off with lukewarm water.

Apple cider vinegar is also a natural home remedy that is not only good for hair, but can also be used against oily skin. Fill a regular cup 1/4 full with the vinegar and add 3/4 more water. Again, like you did with the lemon juice, dab the tincture on your skin, leave it on for 10 minutes, and then wash it off. To avoid waste, reusable cleaning pads are recommended for regular use. More about this here.

Natural yoghurt can also be used against greasy shine – it works like a natural peeling on the skin: the lactic acid in the product literally pulls the fat out of the pores and also neutralizes the PH value. To do this, take just one tablespoon of yoghurt and spread it over your face (avoid the mouth and eye areas). Leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. You are welcome to eat up the rest of the yoghurt or use it again the next day.

Even cucumbers can help fight oily skin. Simply cut two slices and rub the juice over your face just before bed – and leave it on overnight. The substances contained in the cucumber (magnesium, potassium and vitamin A) have an antioxidant effect and reduce the size of the pores, so that less sebum can escape. So the effect is the same as with lemon juice, only the method is gentler so you don’t have to wash off the cucumber essence right away.

And some good news at the end: Although oily skin is unpleasant, it also has an advantage over normal skin – the overproduction of sebum means your face is better protected from external influences such as cold, heat and UV rays. This in turn means that your skin stays taut for longer and wrinkle-free for longer with increasing age.

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