An employee of Left MP Niklas Schrader was attacked by an unknown person at his constituency office in Berlin-Neukölln. A 37-year-old was threatened, insulted and beaten on Wednesday morning, the Berlin police said.

The deputy’s employee had previously confronted the man because he had repeatedly spat against the window pane of the constituency office on Schierker Strasse while passing by. According to the police, the police state security is now investigating.

Schrader himself made the case public on Twitter. Accordingly, the perpetrator is said to have shouted “communist pigs” and “wall killers” and threatened to “stab” the employee. Then the attacker struck and fled. “Fortunately, one has to say, it was only abrasions and bruises.” Schrader spoke of a shockingly deep hatred and announced that it would not be intimidated.

Schrader works in the “Linx*44” office, as does left-wing politician Ferat Koçak, who is one of the victims of the series of right-wing extremist attacks in Neukölln. On February 1, 2017, his car caught fire.

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