Severe immunodeficiency have children annually. Soon there will be checked for it as part of the screening programme.

From 1. February will all the babies that get taken a hælprøve after the birth, also be checked for the severe immune deficiency Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (SCID).

It informs the Health and Ældreministeriet in a press release.

Immundefekten framework one to two children a year and can be fatal.

the Decision, health minister Magnus Heunicke (S) taken on the basis of professional recommendations from the Danish Health and medicines authority.

– For the families, it hits, will the new screening mean so much, because disease will be detected immediately, so the child can get treatment.

– In this way we can prevent very serious illness and deaths, says Magnus Heunicke in the press release.

the Screening will be part of the already existing screening programme, which will be offered to all infants in Denmark after birth.

Checked is in the form of a hælprøve, which today are taken on virtually all newborns. The samples are submitted to the Statens Jojobet Serum Institut.

SCID is a rare and inherited combined immunodeficiency. It decreases the immune system’s development and function. It is fatal, if a child does not come quickly to treatment.

If immundefekten are discovered early, can be carried out a bone marrow transplant. The treatment ensures that the baby develops normally and get a normal life.

Without screening, there is a long-standing sick – and indlæggelsesforløb before the diagnosis is made, after which the disease can be treated.

According to the ministry of Health is the time of diagnosis is crucial for the effectiveness of the treatment.

If a child does not receive the right treatment, it will die in its first or second year of life.

the Countries that Denmark compares itself with, has introduced or has like Denmark decided to introduce checked.

IN the UNITED states, they have screened since 2010 and Norway since 2018. Sweden and the Netherlands decided in april 2018 that introduce checked. In the united kingdom and France are also considered.

Statens Serum Institut checking out all the newborn children of 17 different congenital diseases after the recommendations from the Danish Health and medicines authority.
