Wild stallions on the packaging or sayings that suggest that you are dependent on them in this stressful world – this is how manufacturers advertise their dietary supplements especially for men. But the clear verdict of Stiftung Warentest is: hands off!

The product testers examined 17 dietary supplements for men from drugstores, pharmacies and online shops. They have checked whether the benefits of the products can be scientifically proven in studies and have looked closely at the ingredients and their composition. The bitter result: While the product “Doppelherz aktiv” is only superfluous, taking the other 16 dietary supplement pills actually entails risks, according to Stiftung Warentest.

The testers criticized the lack of consumer information and possible overdoses. In seven of the tested funds, the shortcomings are even classified as serious. Depending on the preparation, men would spend 13 cents to 2.67 euros per day on these pills – money that men should better invest in vegetables rich in vitamins.

When the dietary supplements are on the shelves in drugstores or pharmacies, many consumers assume that these products have a positive effect on their health. In contrast to medicines, dietary supplements do not require approval. No registration studies are needed before the pills can be launched. Because food supplements are considered food.

The manufacturers use a clever tactic: their preparations contain zinc, vitamin D or selenium. They are allowed to make certain health-related advertising claims for these substances, which the European Food Safety Authority has allowed. For example: “Selenium contributes to normal sperm formation.” But: These statements only mean that certain positive effects have been proven for this substance. Pills are not necessary to absorb these vitamins. Brazil nuts, for example, have a very high selenium content.

Of course, it is important that enough vitamins and minerals are consumed. However, according to the German Society for Nutrition, men can cover their needs well with a balanced diet. Dietary supplements should therefore only be used in a targeted manner. Vegans should supplement vitamin B12 as it is found almost exclusively in animal products. Because many people take in too little iodine and fluoride through food, an iodised and fluoridated salt is recommended. Taking vitamin D or other substances can make sense for people with chronic diseases, for example, but this should be clarified individually in consultation with doctors.

Because: Too much vitamins by taking pills can have a negative effect on your health. For example, too much vitamin E can increase the risk of prostate cancer and an overdose of vitamin D can lead to kidney damage, among other things. The Federal Office for Risk Assessment therefore recommends maximum amounts for minerals and vitamins. The investigation by Stiftung Warentest shows that the maximum values ??for vitamin E, zinc or selenium are exceeded in 15 products. And four products significantly exceed the maximum recommended dose of vitamin A. Taking too much of the vitamin can damage the liver.

You can find the complete (paid) test here!