Alberto Núñez Feijóo is in Ceuta this Tuesday, just one year after the migratory crisis experienced in the Autonomous City, and the same day that the border with Morocco is reopened. From Ceuta, Feijóo has wanted to settle the controversy that arose in the PP about the Spanish Nation and has done so by reciting article 2 of the Constitution and emphasizing that Spain is not a plurinational State “nor will it be.”
That the president of the PP had to go out to remember what article 2 says and the position of his party on the unity of Spain gives an idea of the confusion that had settled in the party in recent days, due to the autonomist discourse and defender of the “nationalities” of its leaders, and by other statements by Elías Bendodo, general coordinator, in ‘El Mundo’, in which he stated that Spain is a multinational state.
Bendodo corrected his words yesterday and attributed them to an error.
In Ceuta, Feijóo has defended the Spanish nature of Ceuta and the territorial integrity of Spain. Thus, it has expressed its commitment to this part of Spain, the integrity of the national territory of Spain and to the Constitution and to a “State opposition, which knows very well that the State is not negotiated, that the organization and territorial distribution of Spain it is not negotiated and the application of the Constitution is not negotiated, and that the sovereignty of a nation, the oldest in the world together with France, which is Spain, should not be negotiated by any government either”.
«What is Spain is defined by our history for 500 years. And Spain is very well catalogued, identified and described in article 2 of the Spanish Constitution. The Constitution guarantees the indissoluble unity of the Spanish Nation, the common and indivisible homeland of all Spaniards and guarantees the right to autonomy of the nationalities and regions that make it up », he recited.
He recalled that the PP was born to draft, fulfill and defend the Constitution. «It is obvious that Spain is not a multinational State, the debate does not exist, if you want to take advantage of an error, which has been rectified in time, because everyone is free. But Spain is not a multinational state nor will it be.