Despite the problems in the traffic light coalition, FDP Vice Wolfgang Kubicki sees no longing among the Liberals for an alliance with the Union. “I don’t know anyone in the FDP who currently wants black and yellow back,” he told the “Tagesspiegel” (Tuesday). The Greens are “exhausting”, but the Union is “unreliable and sneaky”. It doesn’t help that the FDP and the Union sometimes have similar views of economic policy.
“The idea of ??letting the Union take the helm again after 16 years of inactivity sends a shiver down my spine,” said Kubicki. “Do we really want to see Friedrich Merz or even Markus Söder responsible, who hugs trees in the morning to cut them down in the afternoon?” He asked, looking at CDU boss Merz and CSU boss Söder. The traffic light is a “successful coalition with no good alternative”.
There is a crunch between the traffic light partners SPD, Greens and FDP. In the coalition committee last week, they had agreed on a 16-page paper that provides for the accelerated expansion of the motorways at 144 points, billions in investments in the rail network and a relaxation of climate protection rules. Green politicians were dissatisfied with the results – especially with regard to climate protection.
Completely new feelings for Kevin Kühnert
In his own words, Kubicki sees a “new emotional rapprochement between SPD and FDP. “When I came out of the plenary hall on Friday, (Secretary General) Kevin Kühnert greeted me with warmth… I have a whole new Kevin Kühnert feeling.” , he said. After 32 years of parliamentary activity, he knows that agreements with the SPD are relatively difficult to achieve. “But once they are in place, they are in place. The formulations are not shaken afterwards, as is often the case with the Greens and especially the Union.” Overall, the Free Democrats could not complain about Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD).
Union parliamentary group leader Jens Spahn “does not take Kubicki’s statements seriously,” as he told Welt-TV. “Oh, you know, Kubicki knocks one out every week and occasionally has to apologize for it,” the CDU politician commented on the FDP politician’s allegations. Spahn criticized the traffic light coalition as “completely unable to act” in a “multiple crisis situation”. Kubicki is “almost just a little flower.”