Agnes Pannier Runnacher, who was on the sidelines to her first foreign trip to Berlin to meet with G7 Energy and Climate Ministers, said that “we must not tell stories by saying French societies are ready to deploy wind power twice, three times faster”.

She said, “We must continue deployment at the current pace, that is to be precise, a pace that clearly corresponds with what French society is willing to accept.”

Onshore wind turbine installation is facing increasing opposition. This hinders the implementation of these projects. In February, President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron lowered France’s ambitions regarding the development of wind-turbines. Now, the government wants to double the capacity within 30 years instead of 10 years as originally planned.

This should increase the gap between Germany and Germany in this area. Berlin has made wind turbine development one of its top priorities. This goal has been set by the government, which aims to devote 2% of its territory towards this source of energy.

The minister defended “there is no single path to carbonization” and also emphasized the government’s desire “to develop offshore wind and solar energy”.

Pannier-Runnacher argued that “administrative simplification” is necessary to accelerate wind turbine projects, onshore and offshore. “The delay in the deployments of renewable energies is due to procedural and litigation issues.”

France Energie Eolienne (FEE) reports that France has increased its wind generation capacity by 8% in 2020. This included 1.3 gigawatts (GW), and 477 additional turbines. The total park now stands at 18 GW.

Thus, wind power provided 7.9% of the nation’s electricity production (6.3 % in 2019), making it the third source after nuclear (about 70%), and hydroelectricity.