Lower Saxony’s Greens lead candidate, Christian Meyer, has called for a “state rescue package” for households and businesses during the energy crisis. The incumbent Prime Minister, Stephan Weil, should take that to heart “after he didn’t want to tackle it before the election,” he told the news magazine Der Spiegel. Weil (SPD) had announced an almost one billion euro relief package for the country in the energy crisis if he was re-elected. A new state parliament will be elected in Lower Saxony on Sunday.
Meyer spoke out in favor of more determination when making decisions about relief measures in the country. “The fossil fuel inflation is serious. No trader, no household should fear that their electricity or gas will be cut off in winter,” he said.
The Greens had recently dropped in the polls. Meyer, who competes in the top duo together with Julia Willie Hamburg, thinks his party is “on the up again because the gas levy is not coming and there are big relief packages”. Meyer was Minister of Agriculture in Lower Saxony from 2013 to 2017 under Prime Minister Weil.