The Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau (Dahme-Spreewald) offers three new dual courses. Mechanical engineering and automation technology have been dual studies since this winter semester, and business informatics will also be included from the 2023/2024 winter semester, as the Ministry of Science in Potsdam announced on Tuesday. According to the information, the US electric car manufacturer Tesla also registered 15 students for the automation technology course.

“Studying at the highest level with intensive practical phases – that also convinced the US car manufacturer Tesla, and it sent the first students to Brandenburg’s largest university of applied sciences,” said Science Minister Manja Schüle (SPD). The state is relying on the development and expansion of dual study programs. Her department has launched a funding program for this purpose, which has increased to almost 2.4 million euros annually, the head of department reported. The dual study program is playing an increasingly important role for the partners involved in the state. According to the minister, highly qualified specialists are increasingly being given the status of “gold dust”. It is important to win and keep them.

The President of TH Wildau, Ulrike Tippe, emphasized that the three new practice-integrated dual study programs offer companies and prospective students a study format with a high degree of practical relevance. At the same time, the MINT orientation as a technically oriented university will be sharpened.

The dual study program allows for an academic bachelor’s degree with practical phases at cooperating companies. All courses at the TH are explicitly aimed at students and those interested in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology (MINT). The TH was founded in 1991 and has 3500 students, around 80 professors and more than 30 courses.