The weather in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland is expected to change in the coming days. According to the German Weather Service (DWD), windy, showery weather will set in on Tuesday. Brief thunderstorms and sleet are possible. From the second half of the day there will be longer sunny periods. The temperatures reach a maximum of 11 to 16 degrees, at high altitudes around 9 degrees. The meteorologists expect moderate to fresh wind with strong gusts. In exposed locations, sometimes stormy gusts are possible.

On Wednesday it will be rainy at first and continue to be overcast before it loosens up a bit in the afternoon. The DWD expects showers and thunderstorms. The maximum temperatures are between 11 and 14 degrees. It will be windy again, strong to stormy gusts are possible, especially in the vicinity of showers or thunderstorms and in the mountains.

On Thursday it will be mostly cloudy. Meteorologists initially predict some rain. The sun only shows up for a short time. There will be isolated showers in the afternoon. The temperatures reach a maximum of 10 to 13 degrees.

DWD weather report