According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the downward trend in reported new corona infections in Germany could be related to the autumn holidays.
Last week, the seven-day incidences fell in all federal states and all age groups, according to the RKI weekly report on Thursday evening. “The factor of the school holidays, which influences both contact and testing behavior, must still be taken into account.” It was also said that the decline – also in view of the holidays in many federal states – could be temporary.
Not only was the incidence declining last week: According to the report, less severe Covid 19 courses were also recorded. In addition, there is a downward trend in the viral load in the wastewater at the majority of the locations examined. The number of doctor visits for Covid-19 estimated by the RKI was also lower in a weekly comparison.
Overall, the RKI expects a high number of respiratory diseases in the coming weeks. “In particular, the positive rate and the number of illnesses caused by influenza show an increasing trend, and RSV infections also lead to increased illnesses and hospital admissions, especially in small children.” RSV stands for Respiratory Syncytial Virus. The pathogen caused an extraordinary wave in some countries last year, which is also a consequence of the pandemic.