The crisis facing the French public hospital, particularly in the emergency rooms, is centered on the question of the workforce. This shortage of staff could severely affect the functioning of services this summer. The question of the reintroduction caregivers who refuse to be vaccinated against Covid-19 is being raised. La France Insoumise, the National Rally and others recommend this measure.

During a visit to the Hautes-Pyrenees, Emmanuel Macron did not exclude this hypothesis at the end of April. The Frenchman who asked him questions had declared that the head of state said, “When we are not longer in the acute stage [of the epidemic], we will do so”. “With respect to the other caregivers, who have also made an effort, which was supported by medical orders. We cannot, while still cases, reintegrate […]. He said that if it continues to fall in the coming weeks, we will continue in this direction.

FranceInfo interviewed Mathias Wargon on Thursday and asked him if he opposed this measure. “We will inform those who didn’t want to be vaccinated that they must return to the hospital. Today, vaccine-believers are those who have read conspiratorial media. Continue: “So, what does this mean?” They inject stuff they wouldn’t normally inject. It’s quite bizarre though!

Reintroduction of non-vaccinated caregivers: “It’s clientelism and demagoguery”, denounces Mathias Wargon, emergency doctor

According to the Ministry of Health figures, 15,000 caregivers are unvaccinated. However, Mathias Wargon says that “we don’t even know” how many. “That’s not what matters, it’s just customerlism and demagoguery,” stated the emergency doctor who supports compulsory vaccination for everyone, not just caregivers.