the Commission’s proposal for a new agreement for teachers ‘ working time is no neat and complete agreement, says president.

Lærerkommissionen came Monday with its contribution to how teachers and local authorities can come closer to an agreement that could replace the regulatory approach, which in 2013 completed the lærerkonflikten.

The big stumbling block is the continuing teachers ‘ working time – more specifically, how much of it they can spend on the preparation, development and evaluation, and how much they should teach.

Here came the commission with two specific proposals for the way forward.

on the one hand a more binding cooperation between the teachers and governing authorities, including, in particular, a greater involvement of the teachers in the disposition of their working time.

Partly that the parties agree a “more direct legal protection against arbitrariness and pressure on the preparation and further development of teaching without forhÃ¥ndsbinde skoleledelsens prioritisation of resources”.

At the presentation of the recommendations reiterated the commission’s chairman, Per B. Christensen that it was not a “one size fits all” solution to all of the area’s problems.

He also made it clear that the commission has enshrined “a clear mark of concern for the school as a workplace goes in front of the interests of the individual employee”.

the Municipalities and the teachers at the two conventions tried to get rescued the threads out and find a solution. No luck.

We were forced to come up with new ideas themselves, said Per B. Christensen.

the Commission is, among other things delved into how it goes in the many municipalities where it has entered into a local agreement. Here are some times agreed very detailed, other times more general.

But the commission’s work suggests that the places that have a lokalaftale, are experiencing better working environment and higher afgangskarakterer. The more detail in the agreement, the better the work environment. And the longer the agreement has been in place, the higher the grades.

Therefore laid Per B. Christensen also emphasis on the fact that the conflict in itself can be harmful.

– to have a deal on the so is local – have a meaning.

the Commission’s recommendations will be the starting point for new negotiations between the teachers and the municipalities.

If this is not done, the issue of a new arbejdstidsaftale be sent on to the collective bargaining in the public domain in 2021.

the Commission’s work was praised by both lærerformanden Anders Bondo Christensen, and the president of the national Association of Municipalities, Jacob Bundsgaard (S).

the Latter, however, would not promise too much in relation to an agreement between the teachers and the municipalities.

– It will not be an easy task, although there are made a good job. There is something that is really good, and we can see ourselves in. But there is also something that’s going to require some discussion, he said.
