On June 7 at 12 noon, the second round table of the ‘Climates for Change’ initiative will be held by Aigües d’Elx and Hidraqua, an action that aims to address throughout 2022 how the social and productive sectors representatives of the Valencian Community work in the fight against the climate crisis and the roadmap to follow to mitigate its effects in this region.

This meeting, which can be followed by streaming, will feature top-level speakers at a local, regional and national level such as Federico Buyolo, director of cultural innovation at the Ortega y Gasset-Gregorio Marañón Foundation; Carlos González, Mayor of Elche; Javier Prieto, managing director of the mixed company Aigües d’Elx; and Mónica Pérez Clausen, academic director of the School of Water.

The purpose of this round table is to draw conclusions about the importance of education in the fight against the climate crisis, what good practices are being carried out by both the administration and the private sector, the importance of alliances to instill social behavior based on in sustainability and the challenges that the education sector is facing in the coming years in this area.

‘Climates for Change’ began in March from the Albufera de Valencia Natural Park’ by the Hidraqua company to inspire an environment of awareness and cooperation in various areas of our society, generating climates conducive to changes in habits.

Throughout 2022, meetings will be held in several municipalities where the company and its investee companies provide services to address climate change from different sectors such as business, tourism, media, urban, domestic, cultural, social, economic, institutional; and, in this case, educational.

The meeting can be followed by streaming through Hidraqua’s YouTube account.