Chancellor Olaf Scholz welcomed carnivalists from all over Germany to the capital. “Somehow the saying is well known: ‘Everyone is different’ and I believe that is something deeply human because it evokes our togetherness,” said the SPD politician in the Federal Chancellery in Berlin. Despite all the differences, we can be together and recognize each other. “And the fun is part of it anyway,” added Scholz.

Around 100 carnival participants with glittering caps and crowns in colorful suits and dresses brought color to the gray steps in the Chancellery. At the foot of the stairs, Scholz, wearing a simple dark suit, received the badge of honor from the Federal German Carnival (BDK), while the bells of one or two jester costumes rang in the background.

BDK President Klaus-Ludwig Fess said to Scholz: “The carnival actually has the power to bring humor into the Chancellery – and you’ve been smiling since I picked you up upstairs.” The reception is a great appreciation, especially for the voluntary work of the carnival participants. Carnival in particular, like Carnival and Mardi Gras, has an “incredibly integrative power in our society”. It brings humor and happiness and also helps keep society alive, Fess said.