The president of the Parliament and candidate for the presidency of JuntsxCatalunya, Laura Borràs, has explained that the new leadership will submit the agreement with ERC to the militancy in the Government of the Generalitat once a “serious” audit has been carried out and “with data” that allows “contrasting” what had been agreed a year ago and “where we are”.

In an interview with El Matí on Catalunya Ràdio, Borràs pointed to “correction formulas” if the results of the party’s audit of compliance with the government pact are not good.

For Borràs, as he has insisted, all “fundamental” decisions must be consulted with the militancy and he recalled that in Junts the opinion of the militants “is always binding”.

She has also referred to the Junts pact with the PSC in the Barcelona Provincial Council, which the president of the Parliament has reiterated that she would never have done. In this regard, the former minister Jordi Turull has also spoken, who has defended that JxCat make an “evaluation” of it and submit it to a vote of the militancy.

Speaking to TV3, Turull explained that this evaluation must be done “talking with all those interested”, which also includes the mayors that JxCat has in the province, and, from here, “make a decision”.

Borràs and Turull reached an agreement yesterday to share the leadership of the party after the congress to be held on June 4 in Argelers, in such a way that they will present a single list in which the president of the Catalan Chamber will opt for the presidency with functions executives and the ex-conseller, to the general secretary.