Berlin’s new head of government Kai Wegner does not want to be deterred by possible AfD votes in his election. “I believe that the AfD wants to create chaos here,” said the CDU politician in an RBB special on Thursday evening. “She wants to use that. Because I can’t imagine with the best will in the world that the AfD would elect a governing mayor who would bring the biggest AfD hunter from all over Germany to Berlin. So it’s a tactic, a strategy. Of that But I won’t be deterred.” With “AfD-Jägerin” Wegner is likely to refer to the new Senator for Justice Felor Badenberg, who previously worked in the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and was also responsible for classifying the AfD as a suspected right-wing extremist.
When asked about a bitter aftertaste of the election process, Wegner said: “Of course I would have wished that differently. We would have wished that differently in the coalition of CDU and SPD.” But the third ballot is constitutionally regulated: “It’s regular.” Therefore he is happy. He has a coalition majority with 86 votes. Obviously there were dissenters in the CDU and SPD. Now it’s a matter of convincing the coalition representatives and Berliners with good work.
coalition agreement